Congressman Neugebauer Criticizes EPA Power Grab
I released the following statement today criticizing a draft rule from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that would dramatically expand the agency’s jurisdiction. The rule redefines what constitutes “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act (CWA).
This is a power-grab, plain and simple. The EPA’s role is to ensure the federal government and states are working together efficiently to reduce pollution in our nation’s waterways. This rule goes far beyond that. EPA is giving itself permission to regulate anything from runoff ditches to stock ponds.
I pointed out that this is yet another instance where the EPA has failed to incorporate adequate peer-reviewed science when drafting regulations. This is part of a larger pattern at EPA where the agency ignores or obscures data in order to push its regulatory agenda.
The new rule could place severe limits on farming, ranching, and construction across the country.
How exactly does it benefit us to have the EPA regulating runoff ditches and livestock tanks? And what will it cost Texas ranchers if they have to apply for a federal permit to graze their cattle near a muddy pond? Americans need jobs and a healthy economy. The Administration should be focusing on that—not on centralizing more power in Washington.
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