The Brady Briefing: 'This Sets a Dangerous Precedent'
Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee put their“attack President Trump at all costs”agenda on full display last week, holding a hearing focused on forcing the IRS to hand over the President’s tax returns.
Let me be clear – this is not about whether or not the President should voluntarily release his tax returns. This is about an abuse of power by Congress. Our tax code should never be weaponized for a purely partisan attack on someone’s political enemies. This sets a very dangerous precedent that can put a target on any American, not just the President.
H.R. 1 is the cornerstone of the new Democratic majority’s agenda. It is far-reaching legislation that impairs free speech, political participation, and forces taxpayers to support candidates they disagree with.
Democratic engagement is the foundation of our free society and I support increasing voting access for all Americans. However, this bill is an egregious violation of states’ rights and weakens our election system by failing to impose the necessary checks and balances on who is registering to vote. Additionally, it creates a taxpayer-funded voucher program to give contributions to candidates of their choosing. Democrats have refused to adequately fund and secure our southern border, but have no problem using hard-working taxpayer dollars to fund their political campaigns and rig elections for one party over the other.
To save the world from ending in 12-years, Democratic freshman Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced her “Green New Deal.” It was just as I imagined, a socialist wish list that would cripple our thriving economy at the expense of American families and businesses. In fact, new investments in our workers and increases in productivity would be set aside to “plant more trees,” upgrade and replace EVERY SINGLE building in the United States, and provide handouts for those “unwilling to work.” It’s obvious the far-left’s true goal is to eliminate all fossil fuels and impose unrealistic mandates on American workers and families. The “Green New Deal” is a BAD DEAL for America.
It was an honor to be on the House floor during President Trump’s State of the Union address as he extolled our booming economy, record low unemployment, and rising wages – giving credit to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and other Republican pro-growth policies. But it was his challenge to Congress to protect the unborn that was especially moving. In response, the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act was introduced, which ensures that any child born alive after an abortion procedure will be extended the same care as any other newborn and penalize the intentional killing of these children. I was proud to cosponsor this bill and remain committed to fighting for pro-life legislation in the 116th Congress.
He also addressed the potential of another needless government shutdown due to Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to negotiate common sense proposals to end the security and humanitarian crises on our southern border. Fortunately, we’re seeing more and more Democrats peel away from Speaker Pelosi’s unreasonable stance and admit that additional barriers, boots on the ground and technology make sense. It is my hope the growing pressure within Pelosi’s own party will bring about legislation to secure our border and keep our government open. It’s time for Democrats to put paychecks for our federal workers and the security of our nation over politics.