Thankful for Adoption
Texas Alliance for Life - November is National Adoption Month. Texas Alliance for Life is strongly committed to promoting adoption as a loving alternative to abortion. We believe there are no unwanted children, just unfound families.
The Texas Choose Life license plates promote infant adoption. The Texas Legislature authorized the plates in 2011 at the urging of Texas Alliance for Life. Since then, more than 3,800 plates have been purchased, raising more than $80,000 in only two years since it was created.
Help promote adoption by purchasing Choose Life license plates for your car or light truck. You can order the plates anytime of the year, not just when you renew your vehicle's registration.
Visit Texas Alliance for Life's website to order at
Of the $30 cost, $22 goes to the Office of Attorney General to be granted to pro-life organizations to promote adoption. (The remainder covers state and county administration costs.) So far, Attorney General Greg Abbott has distributed more than $48,000 to 13 worthy agencies.