Sessions Introduces Resolution to Support Religious Leaders
Today I led 24 of his colleagues in introducing a resolution to provide support to religious leaders and ensure their continued access to affordable housing in the communities they serve. H. Con. Res. 129 expresses support for the longstanding “Parsonage Allowance,” which allows ministers of many different faiths an exclusion from income for their housing.
Our religious leaders play an invaluable role in our communities in North Texas and around the country. It is critical that these men and women, many of whom receive very modest compensation, have access to housing within the neighborhoods they help to lead and develop spiritually. The Parsonage Allowance is a commonsense and fair approach to affording our ministers the same housing support provided by many employers to their employees and I am glad to join my colleagues in this resolution expressing our full support for this longstanding assistance.
I was joined by Congressmen Lamar Smith (TX-21), Kay Granger (TX-12), John Culberson (TX-7), Ted Poe (TX-2), Randy Weber (TX-14), John Carter (TX-31), Michael Conaway (TX-11), Joe Barton (TX-6), Brian Babin (TX-36), Bill Posey (FL-8), Joe Wilson (SC-2), Rob Bishop (UT-1), Lloyd Smucker (PA-16), John Rutherford (FL-4th), Dan Webster (FL-11th), Kenny Marchant (TX-24th), Chuck Fleischmann (TN-3), Steven Palazzo (MS-4), Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-3), Greg Gianforte (MT-00), Doug Collins (GA-9), Jack Bergman (MI-1), Mac Thornberry (TX-13), and Tim Walberg (MI-7) in introducing the resolution.
Read the full text of H. Con. Res. 129 here.