Protecting Religious Liberty
Protecting religious liberty is one of the most important duties we have in Congress. Our right to it is laid out in the first amendment, and it is a right that those who represent you should never forget to defend.
I’m dedicated to protecting the religious freedom of those I represent in the Eighth Congressional District of Texas, and Americans across the country. That’s why I’m supporting measures in Congress and working with the Administration to ensure that each and every American can practice their religion without fear of persecution from the federal government.
First, I was proud to support clarification of the protections of religious liberty afforded to federal contractors. When working with the government, businesses should be free to follow the dictates of their religion and sincerely held religious beliefs. Especially in the case of faith-based contractors, hiring and management decisions should be allowed to be made in alignment with the organization’s mission and purpose – without fear of religious persecution.
Similarly, faith-based foster care agencies should not experience unfair treatment from state and local government. Our nation needs foster families and services to care for our children in need, and persecuting or hindering the operations of a faith-based agency for their religious beliefs not only violates the first amendment, but also unfairly punishes the children who so desperately need their services. The Administration has already taken steps to protect faith-based foster care in states like South Carolina, and I’m pleased to see further action being taken in cities like Philadelphia.
As Members of Congress, we have a duty to stand against unjust persecutionand fight for what is constitutionally right. That’s why I’m proud to support these measures that ensure that Americans of faith can compete for federal contracts and work with local officials without fear of retribution or sanctions from the government.
As I continue to travel across the Eighth Congressional District of Texas during the August district work period, I am once again reminded of the importance of rural healthcare. Rural hospitals are a crucial resource to so many in Texas, and without them the needs of our communities would not be met.
More must be done to help our rural communities provide critical health care to children, families, and seniors. That’s why I worked with my colleagues on the Ways and Means Committee to establish the Rural and Underserved Communities Health Task Force. This task force will work to identify meaningful solutions to the challenge of delivering healthcare in rural areas, and it is my hope that we can work together in a bipartisan manner to ensure that all communities have access to affordable quality care.
On Labor Day, we celebrate the American worker and all they have accomplished for this great nation. On the first Monday of September, we recognize and reflect on the social and economic achievements and contributions of our workforce. Without them, our country would not have the strength and prosperity that has allowed us to thrive.