Let’s stand for life; It’s the right and just thing to do

Last week, amid frigid temperatures, hundreds of thousands of Americans marched up our nation’s Capital in support of the unborn and the value of life.

Now it's our turn.

Our turn to stand for life by supporting H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funds for Abortion Act. This bill would ban the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions once and for all.

The last thing pro-life taxpayers should be required to do is subsidize unethical practices. It's their money, and you better believe I'll fight for them to have a say in how it's spent. Enough is enough.

This isn’t just what Republicans want. According to multiple polls, the majority of Americans oppose the use of federal funding for abortions. This is what the American people want, and it’s time folks in Washington listened. Remember, we work for them.

Let's stand for life. It's the right and just thing to do.


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