Judiciary Committee Advances Bill to End Taxpayer Funded Abortions
Last week marked a victory for protecting the rights of the most innocent among us: the unborn.
The Judiciary Committee passed H.R. 7, the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.” I am a cosponsor of this bill and also cosponsored this legislation in the last Congress. If passed by the whole House and Senate and then signed by the President, H.R. 7 will re-instate the provisions within the Hyde amendment, originally passed in 1976, to ban federally-funded abortions and prevent taxpayer dollars from going towards any abortion procedure. Unfortunately, it is unlikely Harry Reid of the President will take this matter up.
This is an issue that directly affects not only Texans, but families nationwide. It is our moral obligation as citizens to protect the most innocent among us and defend the rights of the unborn. Even if you are not as strongly pro-life as I am, I think you will agree it is wrong for the federal government to take tax dollars from people like me, who are staunchly opposed to abortions on moral and religious grounds, and spend it on something we feel is morally wrong. That said, I’m calling on my colleagues to support H.R. 7 when it comes up for a vote on the House floor to ensure that the federal government no longer asks those of us who support protecting the right to life to pay for abortion procedures.
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