Hurricane Harvey Funds Are Safe
The rumor mill is hard at work, but you can't believe everything you hear.
As the Trump Administration is looking for ways to ensure our national security by enhancing border security, DC media was quick to report from unknown sources that Hurricane Harvey funding was being considered. As soon as I heard this rumor, I spoke directly with the White House and was assured that this is not the case. Let me repeat - Hurricane Harvey funds are safe.
The Texas Congressional Delegation worked directly with the White House in order to procure record level funding to help victims recover from this disaster and to prevent future flooding, and they know exactly how vital this funding is for our communities. I spoke with Fox News this weekend about this and how Speaker Pelosi and Democratic Leader Schumer are continuing the partial-government shutdown.
The truth is that this government shutdown is unnecessary. Newly elected Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer must stay at the table with President Trump and find common ground that secures our border, funds crucial disaster relief, and reopens our government. No one should work without pay, including many of our federal workers who rely on that steady paycheck to provide for their families.
That’s why I supported legislation before the government shutdown to fund $5.7 billion for border security, another $8 billion for disaster relief, and to reopen our government.