Rep. Roy Calls on Texas A&M to Remove Critical Race Theory 4-H Program Lesson
Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) called on Texas A&M’s AgriLife 4-H Program Director to remove a Critical Race Theory (CRT) infused course from their 4-H lessons.
Representative Roy wrote in the letter, “Not only is this lesson contradictory to the values that our country was founded on, but it is not advancing Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s valuable mission and goal. Teaching students to view themselves as either ‘privileged’ or ‘oppressed’ based on certain characteristics is not only counterproductive, but contrary to our founding values.”
The congressman highlights that the student lesson called, “Power and Privilege – What Does it Get You?”, directs students to reflect on their immutable, and other, characteristics and discuss how that results in “power” and “privilege” compared to their peers. The lesson argues “white people”, “males”, “Christians”, and “Heterosexuals” have more privileges granted to them in the United States.
“Rather than advancing Texas 4-H’s goal of developing the youth of our state into productive adult citizens, this lesson promotes the subversive tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) that seeks to divvy us up by our immutable characteristics. The leadership of Texas A&M and Texas 4-H should vigorously oppose this type of ideology,” Representative Roy said.
The Representative concluded,“Texas A&M AgriLife Extension should immediately remove this divisive lesson from its program and refocus on its original goal to train agricultural leaders in Texas.”
Read the full letter here.