The Renowned Texas Spirit Shone Bright at the Republican National Convention
Tuesday was an incredible day for Texas Republicans attending the party’s national convention in Tampa, Florida. Texas’ newly elected U.S. Senate Candidate Ted Cruz delivered a spectacular keynote speech--without using a teleprompter or a podium! Texas delegates rose to our feet and completed his sentence about our iconic heritage telling the Mexican general at the Battle of Gonzales who demanded return of our treasured cannon to, “Come and take it!” Cruz’ speech not only excited Texans in the Tampa Bay Times Forum convention center, it is sure to motivate all Americans who agree with our ideals for liberty that he eloquently espoused.
Speeches by the party’s national Chairman Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican Congressional Committee Texas Congressman Pete Sessions, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum and most notably by Mrs. Mitt (Ann) Romney enthused and equipped Republicans across America for the November 6 election by focusing on the theme, “We Built It.”
Reports were also presented from the Credentials, Platform and Rules Committees. Texans can be just as proud of those documents as we are of our new U.S. Senate candidate. Neither a tropical storm nor a debate over rules can deter Texas delegates from the mission you sent us to accomplish in Tampa.
The required signatures requesting a Minority Report on rules did not materialize because a compromise was struck to remove the awful provision that would have taken away every states’ right to elect their delegates and alternates. Before the compromise, the rule would have granted the party’s presidential nominee the authority to “disavow” (reject) those duly elected by the people.
If that compromise had not been struck, there were enough states requesting a roll call vote on a Minority Report. Texas was one of those states.
Another controversial rule that will allow rules to be changed with approval of three-fourths of the Republican National Committee members remains. When the Rules Committee report was offered on the convention floor, there was an immediate call for a “point of order,” but it was not recognized by the chairman because the convention operates under U.S. House Rules, rather than Roberts Rules of Order. This rule highlights the importance that Texas’ three members to the RNC be vigilant to not allow rules changes that will undermine the integrity of the Republican party by taking away our ability to choose our delegates and alternates in the future. Texas Republicans will persevere to insure this liberty by making it as a rallying cry for candidates for party offices.
Look for your Texas delegates and alternates tonight as the convention focuses on, “We Can Change It” with a keynote speech by our Vice Presidential Candidate Congressman Paul Ryan.
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