Putting Americans Back to Work
Last week, I voted for H.R.4795, the Promoting New Manufacturing Act. This legislation passed the House by a vote of 238-172. The Promoting New Manufacturing Act aims to increasing manufacturing and job growth by increasing the transparency of timing for air permits that are required under the Clean Air Act, including public access to information regarding the number of permits issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as their timelines for final decisions.
This legislation also seeks to reduce permit delays by ensuring that the EPA provides timely and adequate guidance for applicants on how to comply with air quality standards affecting any new applications. Finally, it would promote greater efficiency in the processing of permits by requiring the EPA to report to Congress on an annual basis the steps that it is taking to expedite the permitting processes. It is good, common sense, legislation like this that is going to put Americans back to work. Locally this week, the EPA finalized two greenhouse gas permits to M&G Resins USA L.L.C., paving the way for them to build a new chemical process plant and utility support facility in Corpus Christi. These permits will allow M&G Resins to build a new manufacturing complex that will bring over $1 billion in investments, as well as over 4000 jobs to our district.