Conservative Woman Business Leader Speaks Against Bathroom Bill
Among the women who recently spoke out in opposition to the Texas Legislature's bathroom bills, HB 2899 and SB 6, was Sally Larrabee, a self-described “conservative, lifeline GOP voter and proud Texan.” Ms. Larrabee took part in a women’s rally at the Texas Capitol on April 18, and she’s offered to share her remarks with TexasGOPVote readers:
I’m Sally Larrabee. I’m a conservative and a proud Texan.
I am especially proud of our state’s reputation for being a warm and welcoming place to live. I deal with safety issues for my company every day so I understand the desire to have laws that keep everyone in our state safe.
Fortunately, numerous law enforcement officials have said we already have the laws in place needed to handle anyone who intends to harm another person in a bathroom, so bills like HB 2899 and SB 6 just aren’t necessary. Furthermore, they’ll do more harm to our state, our businesses and our conservative movement if they are passed.
I do support equality and non-discrimination, in as such, we do not need to give our great state a reputation for being a place that has laws that discriminate against people. In addition, I personally don’t need laws like SB 6 or HB 2899 to make me feel safe in a public restroom.
As a lifelong Republican and as a Texas business leader, I’m asking the Texas Legislature to make the common-sense choice for our state: oppose discriminatory legislation that takes us backwards.
Texas is known for making common sense, conservative decisions that respect and protect our citizens. Let’s keep the common sense and lose the unnecessary fear with these discriminatory bills.