Congressman Neugebauer Praises Passage of Key Water Improvements
I released the following statement after voting for the passage of the bipartisan, bicameral Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014.
The Water Resources Reform and Development Act stimulates our economy, promotes trade, and boosts competitiveness. It invests in America’s water infrastructure while cutting red tape and deauthorizing billions of dollars of unnecessary and backlogged projects. This bill contains no earmarks and limits costly federal reviews, saving tax dollars while partnering with local communities to maintain our ports and waterways.
Managing our water resources is particularly important for us in Texas. WRRDA streamlines the project approval process, which could expedite the water infrastructure plans in development in both Abilene and Lubbock.
The House version of WRRDA passed with my support in October, and the majority of these original reforms have been included in the final Conference Report.
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