In Case You Missed It: Chairman Arrington Talks Debt Ceiling Negotiations on Fox News

Last week, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) joined Neil Cavuto on Fox News’ Cavuto Live to discuss debt ceiling negotiations in Congress and the fiscal state of the nation.
“I don’t think the President will escape having to deal with negotiating some fiscal reforms, in the most responsible way, so that we can bend the debt curve, get back on a sustainable path, stave off a debt crisis… and consider the massive amounts of debt, our ability to repay that, and what it’s doing to our economy,” said Chairman Arrington. 

“The American people are waking up to this [disastrous and irreparable consequences of a debt crisis] as they see the soaring interest rates and deal with inflation, which is completely untenable for most Americans living paycheck to paycheck. People are not just concerned about the current economic conditions that are self-inflicted from the failed economic policies of this Administration, but they’re concerned about their children’s future in this country,” said Chairman Arrington. 

“This is about the nation’s future, our leadership in the world…having the blessings of liberty and opportunity for my children…there are a number of things that we can do, but doing nothing is totally unacceptable and totally irresponsible,” said Chairman Arrington.

Chairman Arrington’s full interview can be accessed here.


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