Early Voting - Democrats Cheating - Voter Fraud - A Poll Watcher's Observations
Early voting across Texas has closed with record numbers of voters (for a non-presidential election) taking the option to vote early. In Houston over 450,000 voted early or by mail. It is estimated that over 65% of the total vote for this election cycle may have already been cast. This will make it very difficult for some candidates to overcome the cheating that took place polling locations across Texas. If you havent yet voted, the cheating makes it all the more important that you MAKE TIME to get to the polls on Tuesday between 7 am and 7 pm.
Reports of voter intimidation, demands for DOJ election observers by both sides, Democrat candidates electioneering inside polling locations, election clerks actually tricking voters to vote Democrat instead of their indicated preference of Republican, all gather to tarnish what should be a free and fair election.
Stealing Votes
The Dallas Examiner Reports, "Once again leftist supporters are interfering with the voting process in Houston, and they want the poll watchers out. It has also come to the attention of investigators that voting judges and clerks have been assigning votes for those who indicated that they are undecided on certain candidates."
Reports of voter intimidation should more likely be changed to reports of Poll Watcher intimidation. I have read all the media reports of voter intimidation and it seems the best they can come up with is a Poll Watcher actually watching (I know, strange concept) a voter while the voter is being assisted by an election clerk. A completely proper and legal thing for the Poll Watcher to be doing, by the way. But as I talked to Poll Watchers across the county, I heard repeated reports of Poll Watchers being abuse by voters and elected officials.
Observations of Poll Watchers
Yes, according to Election Judge Diane Briagas at the Ripley Houuse Voting Location, Texas State Representative Jessica Farrar was confronted about electioneering inside a polling location and refused to leave when directed by the Judge until police were called. If true, this is a violation of Texas Election Code. The other incidents described in this video (actions by voting clerks) could result in felony charges if verified.
The man described in this video is alleged to be a pastor working for Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee. If true, this is another violation of Texas Election Code. More Poll Watcher Observations can be seen here.
Electioneering Near Polling Locations
Electioneering near polling places is a time honored practice by candidates and volunteers. However it is critical that the boundries of the actual election area represented by the 100 mark and other distance requirements be respected by candidates and volunteers. In this election Democrats seem to show a total lack of respect for the rules of the election.
US Representative Sheila Jackson allegedly electioneering just outside polling location
In addition to this video, Liberty Pundits reports that Representative Lee,"violated election laws when, on Tuesday, October 19, she entered into Acres Home Multiservice Community Center, walked to where the voting booths were looking for the poll watchers, greeted voters there, and then found and confronted the poll watchers before being directed to, and then asked by, the presiding judge Bernard Gurski to leave the area."
The story continues:
A source speaking on the condition of anonymity said that she heard people say that Sheila Jackson Lee was in the voting area. The lobby of the building was chaotic because some people were in line to vote and some people were in line for the food bank.
So the source, a poll watcher, went into the room housing the voting booths and there stood Congresswoman Lee shaking hands with voters and greeting others–clearly electioneering. The poll watcher then went to one of the clerks and asked the presiding judge to take care of it.
While this occurred, the poll watcher heard Lee loudly say to the crowd in the voting area,”I’ve heard a lot of complaints about voter intimidation by poll watchers. I am not going to allow voter intimidation.”
The poll watcher started writing the incident down. Lee then went to the poll watcher and asked,”What’s your name? Who do you represent?”
A poll watcher is not allowed to speak in the polling area, so directed Congresswoman Lee to the presiding judge.
The poll watcher said that Congresswoman Lee indicated that she wanted names to report to the Department of Justice for voter intimidation. The presiding judge asked Congresswoman Lee to leave.
After all this, Ms. Lee has the unmitigated gall to ask US Attorney General Eric Holder to send in Federal Election Monitors. Bring it Ms. Lee!
In the photograph below you can clearly see the distance marker and the volunteers standing inside the line wearing Farrar T-Shirts (yet another violation of the election code). State Representative Jessica Farrar, who knows the law very well, had been reportedly moving inside the line talking to voters on a regular basis. In this photo, she probably has her toes on the line and is talking to a voter clearly inside the line. Is that also a violation?
Reports are not limited to the Houston area. In Dallas, as city council member was seen using a loudspeaker system within the distance marker for sound equipment. She was present to support Democrat Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (as if SHE doesnt already have enough problems).
These issues seem minor compared to some of the things witnessed by poll watchers where incidents of VOTE STEALING have been witnessed on a regular basis. Some poll watchers believe as much as 5-10% of the vote could be being stolen.
What can I do to Stop This?
One of the easiest things you can do is make certain you vote! No matter what happens on Tuesday get out AND VOTE! We must swarm the polls with Conservative voters so that Democrats simply wont be able to steal enough votes for it to matter. Secondly, volunteer to be a poll watcher. Download the Texas Official Poll Watchers Guide and be ready to go on Tuesday. To become a Poll Watcher, contact your local Republican Party or a candidate you want to support like Fernando Herrera or Pastor Stephen Broden where Spanish speaking Poll Watchers are in great demand! And finally, keep your eyes and ears open. Even if you have early voted keep your eyes open during the elections. If you see something, take pictures, get a video, or just make some good notes and send them to us to report.
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