Debt Busters Keep Up The Pace In 2011

The following came in from the Republican Party of Texas:

Even with the RPT's debt fully retired at the end of 2010, the Texas House Republican Debt Busters Committee has not stopped their support of the party! This past week, Rep. Bill Callegari (who had already previously contributed to the party's Debt Busters committee), sent us another check for $3,000. Also this week, State Senator Tommy Williams, who previously gave $10,000 to the RPT, sent in another check for an additional $10,000! Additionally, Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock also sent in his contribution and delivered on his previous pledge to the party.

Chairman Steve Munisteri commented on these recent donations, "I'm extremely grateful to our House Republicans and Senate Republicans who continue to fill the coffers of the DebtBsuters committee to ensure that we don't slip back into debt. I am particularly gratified that our support from these Republicans has been continuous and not sporadic. This allows us to continue to fund vital RPT programs and to prepare for the upcoming legislative session. These checks certainly made for a joyous New Year!"


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