USPS Must Fix Delivery Issues in Texas Immediately


The USPS is tasked with providing critical services — from medications to bills — to communities across the nation. Sadly, it has failed many Texans over the past two months, resulting in a multitude of mail issues for my constituents and others throughout Texas. Read more about USPS Must Fix Delivery Issues in Texas Immediately

Cornyn, Colleagues’ Bill to Help Prevent Child Abuse Passes Senate


The bill is named for Jenna Quinn, a Texan and child abuse survivor, and is modeled after successful reforms passed by the Texas Legislature in 2009. Read more about Cornyn, Colleagues’ Bill to Help Prevent Child Abuse Passes Senate

Americans Are Fed Up With Secretary Mayorkas, and Rightfully So

When I’m home in Texas, the number one issue my constituents are concerned with is the border. The chaos and destruction are a result of the Biden administration's open border policies and Secretary Mayorkas' failed leadership. People are angry, and rightfully so.  Read more about Americans Are Fed Up With Secretary Mayorkas, and Rightfully So

Denouncing President Biden's LNG Export Ban


As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy, we held a hearing to examine the detrimental effects of President Biden's Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) export pause. This "pause" puts America's national security at risk, and thousands out of work. The United States is the world leader in exporting LNG, which is a crucial resource for our allies in Europe. Read more about Denouncing President Biden's LNG Export Ban

Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne Introduces the Protecting Healthcare Employee Privacy Act

Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne recently introduced the “Protecting Healthcare Employee Privacy Act,” which will end overburdensome vaccine reporting requirements unfairly imposed on healthcare personnel employed at Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs). Read more about Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne Introduces the Protecting Healthcare Employee Privacy Act

Rejected Senate Border Bill Should Serve as Starting Point for Negotiations

The Border security and Ukraine and Israel aid bill that was drafted by Sens. James Lankford (R-Oklahoma), Kyrsten Sinema (I-Arizona), and Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) failed to advance in its current form on a vote of 49-50 after a large majority of Republican Senators voted against it. Only four Republican Senators voted in favor of advancing the bill. Read more about Rejected Senate Border Bill Should Serve as Starting Point for Negotiations

Limiting the Sale of Drugs on Social Media


I will soon be introducing the Drug-Free Social Media and Digital Communities Act, which would limit the illegal sale of drugs on social media. Read more about Limiting the Sale of Drugs on Social Media

Cornyn Discusses Senate Border Proposal


U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the Senate’s border proposal and expressed frustration with the White House’s refusal to negotiate on policy that would actually deter illegal immigration and enforce the law. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here. Read more about Cornyn Discusses Senate Border Proposal

Congressman Keith Self Files Congressional Amicus Brief at SCOTUS in Support of Military Chaplains’ Conscience Rights

Congressman Keith Self led an amicus brief at the Supreme Court in support of the plaintiffs in Alvarado v. Austin, 39 military chaplains who suffered a blanket denial of their Religious Accommodation Requests (RAR) followed by retaliatory actions. Twenty-five members of Congress signed Rep. Self’s amicus brief, in a strong show of support of chaplains’ right to follow their conscience. Read more about Congressman Keith Self Files Congressional Amicus Brief at SCOTUS in Support of Military Chaplains’ Conscience Rights

New Tax Bill Passes House; De La Cruz Calls It “An Important Update to America’s Tax Policy”

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 7024, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, with a large bipartisan vote on Tuesday, Jan. 31st. Read more about New Tax Bill Passes House; De La Cruz Calls It “An Important Update to America’s Tax Policy”


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