CNN Reporter Put on Terror Watch List After Criticizing the TSA
by TexasGOPVote on December 6, 2010 at 12:00 PM
Soon after CNN journalist Drew Griffin began a series of investigative reports critical of the TSA in May 2008, he was placed on the terror watch list. When Griffin questioned why he was on the watch list, the TSA couldnt really give a straight answer. At first they said he had the same name as a suspected terrorist. Later the TSA denied he was even on the terror watch list and blamed the airline for messing up. The airline said they were simply stopping Griffin because the TSA told them to.
According to Grffin:
“Eleven flights now since May 19. On different airlines, my name pops up forcing me to go to the counter, show my identification, sometimes the agent has to make a call before I get my ticket. What does the TSA say? Nothing, at least nothing on camera. Over the phone a public affairs worker told me again I’m not on the watch list, and don’t even think that someone in the TSA or anyone else is trying to get even.”
Learn more about this case in the video below:
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