Michael McCaul

better off now
When Ronald Reagan took to the stage in his only debate against Jimmy Carter in 1980, he asked the American people one simple question: “are you better off than you were four years ago?”  The answer was a resounding “no!”...
border patrol
Thankfully, House Democrats finally accepted the common-sense, bipartisan solution passed by the Senate. I supported this compassionate solution that will help the children at our southern border by providing $4.6 billion to...
Terror threats are constantly evolving, and our adversaries are becoming more agile and illusive. Specifically, they are exploiting the illicit pathways in South and Central America to gain access to our nation. To combat...
I led a roundtable with representatives from NGOs, pharmaceuticals, and hospitals. The discussion centered on the current scope of private-sector childhood cancer initiatives in Africa and the opportunities for public-...
Rather than the Democrats inviting Republicans to the table on H.R. 6, they’ve chosen to play a political game by putting forth a partisan bill that does nothing to address border security, the root causes of our broken...
Yesterday, I announced that Nataly Nasrawi of Cypress, TX has been selected as the overall winner for Texas’s Tenth Congressional District in the 2019 Congressional Art Competition. Nataly’s artwork, titled “Holy Cow Stop...
Empowering women and ensuring their inclusion through our foreign policy requires a multifaceted approach. It is not only the right thing to do, it is in our interest to do.
These funds will help the many families and communities in my district that are continuing to rebuild their lives after Harvey.
Today areas of my district in Houston are experiencing heavy rains and flooding - a reminder of the upcoming hurricane season and the devastating damage that resulted from Harvey. That is why we must stand with our fellow...
I have long said a comprehensive approach is the only solution to tackling this heinous crime; one that brings together federal, local and state law enforcement with survivor advocacy and support groups to increase community...
As the Lead Republican on the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Chairman Emeritus on the House Homeland Security Committee, I released the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 549, the Venezuela TPS Act,...
Earlier this week I called for immediate humanitarian aid to help the unaccompanied children at our southern border. I stand by this call.
Sunday futures
It’s always a divisive issue, but we do have a crisis at the border. I live in Texas; it’s a humanitarian crisis.
When cyber-attacks occur, immediate expertise is needed to mitigate damage and ensure organizations are restored. Cyber Incident Response Teams provide that expertise and function as our cyber first responders.
The $4.3 billion in disaster relief aid is overdue and will go a long way in helping Texans as they continue to rebuild their lives after Harvey
American flag
This past Monday was the 151st Memorial Day, where we remembered the brave men and women who courageously fought for our freedom and who bravely dedicated their lives in defense of our own.
The conflict in Syria is complicated, and the potential solutions are not perfect, but our only choice is to advance policies that can stop the growing threats to U.S. interests, Israel, and regional security and stability...
Wednesday marked the 50th legislative day of the 116th Congre
H.R. 986 is a deceptive political ploy that simply attempts to overturn President Trump’s guidance to give states more flexibility and provide more affordable healthcare solutions for the American people. These regulations...
Setting a bold legislative agenda, the “50 in 50” initiative drives thoughtful solutions to project America’s global leadership, counter acts of aggression by foreign adversaries, and protect American national security...



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