Jerry Patterson

Isn't the Texas Solution in the 2012 RPT platform actually amnesty?Actually not. Going back to the 2010 RPT platform would be closer to amnesty than the 2012 platform. Why? Because the 2010 platform did not...
Texas faces immigration problems that too many Republican voters view solely through the spectrum of catchy phrases and bumper sticker slogans when they think about solutions. That’s understandable – for far too long, those...
Critically, I believe that we cannot have immigration reform without border security. I also believe that we cannot have border security without immigration reform.In other words, immigration reform and border security are...
Editor's Note: Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson takes a closer look at Senator Dan Patrick's released medical records and the conflict that surrounds it.1. Paul Harasim’s public documents from the Goeb/...
Deportation of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants has always been and remains a contentious issue. At a time when all liberty loving Texans are concerned with the worrisome growth in federal law enforcement...
In June 2012, at the Republican Party of Texas Convention in Fort Worth, I was the only Republican elected official to speak to the Platform Committee and to the approximately 8,000 member delegation in favor of adopting the...

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