Chip Roy

ballot box
I issued the following statement Wednesday after voting against H.R.8873, the “Presidential Election Reform Act”:  Americans deserve a federal election process in which they can place their full faith and trust without...
us capitol
This week, the Democrats—per their usual swampy tactics—pulled a last-minute floor maneuver and lumped eight different bills together for a single vote.
pro life
Thursday afternoon, I released the following statement following Texas' Human Life Protection Act coming into effect:Today marks the first day in almost 50 years that Texans' voices are no longer silenced by an overreaching...
China flag
Over the weekend, The Epoch Times published a story about the University of Texas Medical Branch taking responsibility for signing “poorly dr
WASHINGTON— On Monday, Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21) and Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) announced the “Let Experienced Pilots Fly Act,” which will help alleviate the pilot shortage by raising the mandatory commercial pilot retirement...
On Wednesday, Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21) sent a letter to Dr. James Le Duc, former director of the Galveston National Laboratory to get answers about recently uncovered documents indicating a partnership with the Wuhan Institute...
On Monday, I asked the VA to hold an employee accountable for brutally beating and choking a 73-year-old Vietnam veteran at Fort McPherson VA Clinic in Atlanta, Georgia; the victim suffered numerous injuries and was...
military draft
On Thursday, I urged the House Armed Services Committee to oppose requiring America’s daughters, mothers, sisters, and wives to register for the draft in the upcoming National Defense Authorization Act.
Thursday night, I joined Tucker Carlson on Fox News to call out Congress for passing a bill that sends 40 billion dollars to Ukraine without serious debate — and while ignoring the American people suffering from inflation....
texas flag
Thursday, on the anniversary of routing the Mexican dictator Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto, Texas celebrated the hard-won birth of our republic and the restoration of our God-given liberties as a people. The...
government spending
This week 41 of my Republican colleagues and I sent a letter to House Republicans expressing their opposition to any continuing resolution that empowers Democrats to pass a massive spending package in the upcoming lame duck...
Austin Fire Dept
On Thursday, I demanded answers from the Austin Fire Department after they allegedly fired their longtime volunteer lead chaplain for exercising his First Amendment rights.
veterans affairs
Our country has a moral obligation to care for veterans suffering the impacts of toxic exposure from their service in defense of our republic; that’s our side of the deal for enjoying the blessings of liberty.
I released the below statement following Monday's airstrike killing Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri:Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was an enemy of the United States, a danger to our national security and allies, and an...
mom kissing baby
I issued the following statement Friday after voting against the House Democrats' two radical abortion bills.Democrats are once again doubling down on their efforts to nationally enshrine abortion at the expense of...
veterans affairs
Last week, I urged the Committee on Veterans Affairs to amend H.R. 3967, the PACT Act, to offset its cost and ensure it does not create severe backlogs in VA treatment. 
john kerry
On Thursday, I led eight of my Republican colleagues in introducing the “No Taxpayer funding for CZARS Act” to defund Joe Biden's special presidential envoy for climate, John Kerry.
burning money
On Friday, I was joined by 7 Republican colleagues in introducing the “No ESG at TSP Act” to prevent the federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) from allowing taxpayer dollars to flow into woke ESG funds.
On Wednesday, I sent a letter opposing Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough’s decision to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for VA employees.
On Thursday, Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10) and I led our House Republican colleagues in urging the Environmental Protection Agency to alleviate skyrocketing gas and grocery prices by waiving biofuel blending mandates under the...



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