Beverly Nuckols

*The authors of a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine admit to a narrow focus that ignored the multiple methods of funding Family Planning in Texas, looking instead at a single type of “provider” – Title X...
Supported only by his imagination, what he saw in videos produced by Texas Right to Life lawyers, and a n
For years, I’ve joked that we shouldn’t be asking, “Who is John Galt?” But, “Where is John Galt?”
Inalienable rights aren’t decided by government, much less personal opinion. They are negative and necessarily hierarchical. You may not enjoy a liberty that endangers the life of another, and the government can’t limit...
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to...
I wrote a very difficult letter today. I resigned from the organization that is supposed to support Family Physicians in our education, practice management and good medical care of our patients. Instead, the American...
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” - Alexis De Tocqueville A March 27th Op-ed in the San Antonio Express News by Nicholas Kristof calls...
I just read a lengthy list of long-winded resolutions, evidently sent out from Libertarians to their followers who are attending Republican Precinct Conventions. Here’s a bit of my response:RESOLVED, the legitimate purpose...
Last February 14th, 18-year-old Justin River Carter made a comment during an argument with a few acquaintances on Facebook that would shock most people, but I doubt that many people would take his hyperbole seriously enough...
It's not just that this is the first time that US citizens have been barred from the Lincoln Memorial due to a government shutdown, the National Parks service is barring us from scenic drives and overlooks on public and...
Ethics 101: The man and woman who were indicted for their actions exposing the harvesting of baby parts by Planned Parenthood were doing our duty to protect the right to life.
Without common ground, and with emotional demands to “deport them all,” we’ll still be debating this four years from now.
Liberty is not simply the freedom to act, it's the more fundamental freedom not to act.
We may not ever solve the problem of an irresponsible tabloid press and sensation-seeking media, since the freedom of speech is too important to infringe. But we do have power over those we license as physicians.
I've been lucky enough to attend the last 6 Republican Party of Texas State Conventions and served on the Platform Committee in 2012. This year, I was nominated to represent Senate District 25 on the Rules Committee. The...
Well, flip! Substitute my F-word for their F-word and drop the suggestion that even straight women want to “do ‘very sexy things’ to Windy," and I could have had the vast WingRight Conspiracy laughing at this column....
Libertarians within the Republican Party and Republicans who are called “moderate” because they aren’t social Conservatives claim that we will win over more voters and that it’s hypocritical of small-government Conservatives...
An unelected Federal judge overturned the Texas Constitution's definition of marriage, proving the Courts’ lack of respect for our Constitutional Republic - and democracy in general.Marriage is what it is: the union between...
And BOR is a much better acronym than anything I could make up.The Burnt Orange Report is Texas' own quintessential leftist blog, spinning and twisting any stories or facts to make conservatives look bad.Good little far-left...
The people relying on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security didn't fail. They (we) were sold a tax scheme (sound familiar, Justice Roberts?) that claimed to be insurance and pension plans.If you've ever scoffed at the...



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