Beth Van Duyne

Small businesses are the backbone of our country, and yet they seem to be the enemy of this administration. This administration is doing everything it possibly can to crush small businesses.
If measures are not developed to set Social Security back on a path to solvency, the next crisis of Biden’s presidency will put millions of seniors in poverty.
Our small businesses are the backbone of the great state of Texas, and it is an honor to serve small business owners and aid wherever possible.
Tuesday I spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives in opposition to the "Abortion on Demand" Act.
To commemorate this year's Small Business Week, the House Small Business Committee honored small business owners from across the country by allowing them to testify on behalf of their enterprises. 
I will celebrate Small Business Week by visiting small businesses around #TX24, testifying with a local small business in front of the Small Business Committee, and spotlighting small business in our community every day this...
The One-Stop Shop for small businesses will consolidate the resources necessary to navigate the seemingly never-ending web of bureaucratic red tape.
Securing the Democratic process is paramount to the well-being of our nation – the Safe and Certain Elections Act will be an integral part in doing so. 
I am introducing this bill not to discourage vaccine distribution but to put a check on federally funded institutions forcing minors to be vaccinated to participate in education.
Now more than ever, we must ensure our supply chains are protected. We saw first-hand the effects of supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19 last year, so it is essential we act now to identify vulnerabilities.
Together, Texas DPS, Fort Worth Police, Arlington Police, and the Department of Homeland Security successfully arrested a total of 115 men over the course of one week, many of them repeat offenders. Those arrested were...
If the price tag for their socialist policies weren’t alarming enough, what’s hidden inside the bill should truly horrify all Americans.
Often listed among the Safest and Best Places to Live in America, this city strives to serve its citizens at every stage of life — from young families buying their first homes, to empty-nesters who cannot imagine living...
I am thrilled for DFW Airport to finally receive the funding for their Fire Fighting Building. After advocating for this project for months, I am glad to see the Department of Transportation agrees this is necessary funding...
We cannot continue to put forth federal policies that actively make it harder for Americans to survive and succeed.
This mandate sets a dangerous precedent with regards not only to sensitive medical information but in controlling how privately owned businesses run their companies and hire and fire their employees.
The Small Business Administration has overseen nearly $1 trillion in financial assistance during this pandemic. This enormous responsibility should be matched with strong oversight on where this taxpayer money is going.
Students should have the opportunity to pursue higher education without fear of predatory loans hindering their ability to learn.
With this new task force, Republicans will offer a more flexible and innovative health care agenda for the American people.
The "Uplifting First-Time Homebuyers Act" will increase the IRA homebuyer exception from $10k to $20k, the first increase in over 20 years. 



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