
McCaul Joins Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking

Congressman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) cosponsored the Empowering Law Enforcement to Fight Sex Trafficking Demand Act, legislation led by Congressmen Morgan Luttrell (R-Texas) and Chris Deluzio (D-Pa.), to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to permit Byrne JAG program funds to be used for anti-human trafficking efforts.  Read more about McCaul Joins Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking

Luttrell, Deluzio Introduce Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking


Congressman Morgan Luttrell (R-TX) and Congressman Chris Deluzio (D-PA) introduced the Empowering Law Enforcement to Fight Sex Trafficking Demand Act, which amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to permit Byrne JAG program funds to be used for anti-human trafficking efforts. 
  Read more about Luttrell, Deluzio Introduce Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking

Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz Co-Sponsors Bill to Expand Virtual Healthcare to Rural Texans

Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) recently joined a bipartisan group of representatives to introduce H.R. 7149, the Equal Access to Specialty Care Everywhere Act (EASE). This legislation is just one of many bipartisan healthcare access bills co-sponsored by De La Cruz in the 118th Congress. Read more about Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz Co-Sponsors Bill to Expand Virtual Healthcare to Rural Texans

Unlocking Domestic LNG Exports Act Passes House


This week, the U.S. House passed my legislation to reverse President Biden's liquefied natural gas (LNG) export ban and unleash American LNG to lower energy costs while advancing U.S. energy security and the security of our allies. Read more about Unlocking Domestic LNG Exports Act Passes House

Strengthening the Australia-UK-US Alliance

With wars in Europe and the Middle East — coupled with international security challenges from Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea’s unholy alliance — it's clear our adversaries are becoming more aggressive. They are working together to undermine Western values and change the global balance of power.

As the world burns, America is being tested. Read more about Strengthening the Australia-UK-US Alliance

100+ Great Articles: Salazar's Dignity Act Dominates the News

The Dignity Act is the most viable legislation in Congress that secures our border and fixes our broken immigration system. Read more about 100+ Great Articles: Salazar's Dignity Act Dominates the News

Rep. Roy issues statement on H.R. 5856: Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act

I voted no on H.R. 5856.

As I said last Congress when I voted against this measure, the scourge of human trafficking is an abomination and must be rooted out – the thousands of Americans and migrants sold into the sex trafficking trade and forced labor deserve nothing less. Read more about Rep. Roy issues statement on H.R. 5856: Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act

Luttrell Introduces Jalisco Cartel Neutralization Act


Congressman Morgan Luttrell (R-TX) is introducing the Jalisco Cartel Neutralization Act in the House of Representatives. This bicameral legislation would require the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish a strategy to kill or capture Jalisco cartel leadership and provide a report to Congress on their progress. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) is introducing the companion legislation in the Senate. 
  Read more about Luttrell Introduces Jalisco Cartel Neutralization Act

Two-Tiered System of Justice


The Special Counsel investigating President Biden for mishandling classified documents at his Wilmington, Delaware, home released their final report yesterday. In their findings, the Special Counsel not only concluded that President Biden put our national security in jeopardy by willfully taking classified documents, but that his mental state is so poor that he cannot be held accountable for these actions. Read more about Two-Tiered System of Justice


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