I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. - Thomas Jefferson
The Battle for the Texas House
God bless!
David Barton
Today we are embroiled in a battle for the Texas Speaker of the House. Joe Straus voted into office in 2009 by Democrats and 11 RINO’s is ignoring the fact that on November 2nd Texans sent a clear message that conservatives want a conservative Speaker of the House. In fact 82 of the 99 representatives are solid conservatives. Besides his pretentious stance on family values and the fact that Voter ID failed to pass during the last session, we have the critical assignment of redistricting this coming session and Republicans must chair the committee. Straus continues to hammer the fact that he is a conservative. Working for President Ronald Reagan does not make you a conservative. It makes you an employee of the Reagan Administration. And contrary to all the debate about reasons why Joe Straus is not the most conservative he would like all of us to believe, we really should take a closer look at the situation. Why is he fighting to keep his position so vigorously?
According to the Houston Chronicle, Straus owns interests in Retama Park in Selma, near San Antonio, Valle de los Tesoros Race Park in McAllen and Laredo Downs. In fact, according to the written word of Texas Observer, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus III’s family could earn tens of millions of dollars if lawmakers and voters agree to let racetracks install slot machines. To add interest to this story is the financial facts revealing that Retama has been running in the red for several seasons. So now we know why Straus may be so anxious to be the 2011 Texas House Speaker. It may have very little to do with ‘helping’ Texas and more with ‘helping’ Straus out of bankruptcy and saving his ‘family’ business. Property in Austin on FM 1625, Texas Highway 45 and Old Lockhart Road has been purchased to make room for, you guessed it, a horse track named Longhorn Downs and Retama Entertainment Group will manage it.
What is very unsettling is how the Socialists/Democrats along with Straus and possibly other Republicans appear to have gone about scheming to ensure that casino type gambling is passed. It would be difficult to believe that Straus did not know that Retama Park is in financial straits. Having this information would enable him to enlist those willing to support him and his agenda. In what now appears that he has gambled using his generosity in contributing to candidates, he may very well now expect a ‘payout’ on his ‘investment’. As Speaker of the House, Straus would have control of the committee assignments and needless to say we can all see where this might lead. State Representative Carol Alvarado, D-Houston filed HJR 28 on November 08 legislation that will allow gambling casinos not only in San Antonio and the Coastal Bend area but other cities in Texas. If slot machines in race tracks are passed with Straus as Speaker, it certainly would not pass the ‘smell test’. Straus should do the ‘honorable’ thing and step down because of his ‘conflict of interest’.
Many Conservatives woke up two years ago and joined with Conservative Republicans to work on our first priority: working hard to unseat Democrats. Now that were awake and aware, we can see that we need Conservative Republican committee chairmen (make Dunnam the first to go and give new Rep Dr. Schwertner Roses Committee while youre at it!), Republicans in charge of redistricting, and a **proven** and time-tested pro-life Speaker of the House! Just wait until you see what we do to RINOs!
HJR 28 ALVARADO 11/08/2010 H FILED
Horse racing track in the works
Property is in Creedmoor, east of Austin
Updated: Tuesday, 21 Sep 2010, 5:41 PM CDT
Published : Tuesday, 21 Sep 2010, 5:00 PM CDT
Speaker Straus’ Other Horse Race
By Andrew Wheat
Thursday April 8, 2010
Texas House Speaker Joe Straus III’s family could earn tens of millions of dollars if lawmakers and voters agree to let racetracks install slot machines. The magnitude of the payout is spelled out in a pending lawsuit in Dallas County. It’s unusual—even in Texas—to encounter a single piece of legislation that has the potential to put millions of dollars in the pocket of a top state leader
Letter On Leadership
By Empower Texans (11/10/2010)
Now is the time to voice your opinion
Contact your Texas Representative NOW BEFORE THE SESSION STARTS!
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