Propositions on 2012 Texas Republican Primary Election Ballot – Public Prayer, School Choice, ObamaCare, Balanced Budget
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the following info is old proposition voting info from the May 2012 Texas Election
Every two years there is a Republican Primary Election in Texas. On the Republican Primary ballot are propositions that the ENTIRE State of Texas votes on if they vote in the Texas Republican Primary. For instance, on the 2010 Primary election ballot there were propositions on the ballot regarding whether or not Texas should require voter ID, and also whether or not Texas should require sonograms before abortions. The Republican voters in Texas approved both of those propositions and the Texas Legislature went on to pass laws similar to those propositions.
Last month I sent out an email asking all fellow Republicans to tell me what propositions that they think should be on the Primary ballot in 2012. I got over 50 responses with many good proposition ideas. I sent those ideas to my fellow SREC members. On December 3rd, 2011, the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) voted to determine what propositions should be placed on the 2012 Texas Republican Primary Ballot.
There were MANY great ideas but there are a limited number of propositions that can be on the ballot.
Below are the four Ballot Propositions that were approved by the SREC to be placed on the 2012 Texas Republican Primary Election Ballot.
This is what you will see when you go to vote. The SREC also passed a 5th ballot proposition regarding redistricting, but that proposition might not need to be on the Primary Ballot now that the Redistricting battle is in the US Supreme Court.
Ballot propositions adopted at the December 3rd SREC meeting:
The state should fund education by allowing dollars to follow the child instead of the bureaucracy, through a program which allows parents the freedom to choose their child's school, public or private, while also saving significant taxpayer dollars. Yes or No.
Congress should immediately repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare) and reject the rationing of healthcare by government or the intrusion by government into the doctor - patient relationship. Yes or No.
Government should be prohibited from restricting the content of public prayer. Yes or No.
Out of control spending should be stopped at all levels of federal and state government through constitutional amendments limiting any increase in government spending to the combined increase of population and inflation without voter approval. Yes or No.
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Make sure to check out the comments on Facebook.
On Public Prayer
Matthew 6: 5-7
5. “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7/. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Voting Today
Pubic Prayer Proposition
2012 ballot propositions
Think I will skip most of them.
Newt's stance on immigration
Public Prayer
No to all except repealing Obama care
Questions about Public Prayer proposition ???
Pubic Prayer
What an amazing this that you should quote scripture on this! You mean, Christianity ISN'T simply whatever people want it to be? Awe, c'mon man, it's so hard to follow the Leader instead of just doing our own thing in HIS religion. (Heh.) -- I mean, there are supposedly "christians" who believe in baby-killing, homosexuality...&, well, even perjury (See & other pages on the website, on "perjury").
Hey, if Christians are going to be held to the ideals of Christ, that changes everything, now, doesn't it? Hmmm, no wonder we Christians have lost something from our religion over the last few thousand years - the halos' are a bit tarnished. So, you might just have a point there! Nice post.