Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

shadow economy
Undocumented workers play a critical role in the American construction industry in which 80% of firms are currently having difficulty finding enough workers.
hiring craft professionals for construction
The construction industry is in dire need of more workers right now.
shadow workers
New American Economy released new research in partnership with the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce, which shows the critical role immigrants (only God knows how many are undocumented) play in the Dall
workers needed
July 2019 marked the 111th straight month of job gains in Texas. Our record-low 3.4% unemployment​ is better than FULL employment.
Bibles, Badges, and Business
​The National Immigration forum will hold their first Texas Bibles Badges and Business convening in Austin at Austin Stone Community Church on Thursday, August 15th, from 9:30 AM- 3:30 PM CDT.
rational middle welder
It’s no secret that our country’s immigration system is failing.
US capitol
Recent successful bipartisan efforts on immigration legislation prove that sensible reform is possible! Your calls, emails, and faxes to lawmakers are making a difference.
social security card
The lowest unemployment rate in decades is great news, and yet many employers are facing the biggest labor crisis they have faced in years. Full employment is great if everyone working is playing by the same rules. In Texas...
I authored the following op-ed in the McAllen Monitor explaining my bipartisan legislation to address the current border crisis while preserving our strong relationship with Mexico.
I welcome the border spending bill happily — but this is only a short-term fix. Congress and the administration must do more to address this crisis.
Bill Flores
Republican Representative Bill Flores sat down with TexasGOPVote to discuss immigration policy and explained a five step process he and roughly 80% of his constituents support.
While President Trump’s immigration rhetoric continues to focus on the need to build a southern border wall, his administration is quietly pursuing a policy that could provide a lasting solution to the ongoing migrant surge...
Bibles Badges Business
Leaders in Texas’ business, law enforcement, and faith communities met at Austin Stone Community Church recently for a Texas convening of Bibles, Badges, and Business hosted by the National Immigration Forum.
My long-time friend Orlando Sanchez, a Republican and former Harris County Treasurer and Houston City Council Member, is advocating for sensible immigration policy that he calls the Family Stabilization Act (FSA).
Once again, Washington finds itself paralyzed over immigration. Squabbles over funding a proposed wall along our southern border are emblematic of a larger issue that has seared any hands it has touched.
“If there’s one thing that we know about the American economy, we need two things: We need the skilled engineer as much as we need the skilled farmworker. The innovation that we’ve built in the US over generations depends on...
ICE raids
The Houston Chronicle ran a great op-ed about sensible immigration policy this weekend. The author, my good friend and CEO of Marek,  Stan Marek, explained the concept we call “ID and Tax” very well.  
Clinton Bush Obama Trump
Over the course of the past three years, we have seen the immigration issue, in America, bubble from a conversation into a full blown argument — with neither side of the aisle willing to fully compromise, to create a...
green card
Since 1921, Congress has set hard numerical caps for most types of immigrants coming to the United States on green cards.  They have always included uncapped exceptions to green cards for most spouses and minor children of...
border patrol
Thankfully, House Democrats finally accepted the common-sense, bipartisan solution passed by the Senate. I supported this compassionate solution that will help the children at our southern border by providing $4.6 billion to...



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