Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

The following article was authored by Stan Marek, CEO of MAREK.Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently issued an order identifying industries considered essential during this pandemic. I was pleased that he included...
hospital patient
During a conference call hosted by the National Immigration Forum on Wednesday, Health Care leaders called upon the Trump Administration to take actions to advance immigration solutions that protect essential workers on the...
H2B visa
The Trump Administration recently announced that it will make an additional 35,000 non-ag guest-worker visas available this year in order to help seasonal American businesses with anticipated workforce shortages in the...
The American legal immigration system is in desperate need of reform. 
2020 Elections
Today is primary voting day!In case you missed it, here are my recommendations for candidates in primaries for open and "toss-up" seats in the Texas US House races.
2020 primary elections
Six of our Republican US Representatives in Texas are not running for reelection this year and the primaries to replace them feature a large number of candidates to choose from.
Congratulations to President Trump on his acquittal from the partisan impeachment attempt by Democrats. Now that it’s over, lawmakers should get to work on a lot of issues including sensible immigration reform.
Iowa democrat debate
“Impeachment” continues to delay Congress from the important issues that it should be working to fix. There is little talk from Democrat presidential candidates about fixing our broken immigration system. In fact, the topic...
Norman Adams Greg Abbott
Business leaders across Texas are suffering from workforce shortages. Texas should welcome these legal immigrants. They have been fully vetted by the federal government. With our state’s booming economy and record low...
Capitol fireworks
Happy New Year! Thank you for all of your support and feedback this year. Your calls, emails and faxes to lawmakers are making a difference. Here is what to watch for in the first part of 2020.
As coronavirus threatens to overwhelm hospitals in areas with large numbers of patients with COVID-19, we are reminded of the importance of our healthcare workforce and the critical role that immigrants play in filling the...
healthcare workers
President Trump initially kept reasonable travel restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but with the virus spreading inside the United States, he is already shifting from minimizing its threat — his first...
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Senate unanimously passed a bill Thursday that would ensure U.S. citizenship for all children of U.S. service members while stationed abroad.
2020 Elections
Out of 72 Republican candidates in seven crowded primary races for open or tossup US House Rep.
Chris Wallace TBIC
Lawmakers and business leaders attended a recent fundraiser hosted by the Texas Business Immigration Coalition in Dallas to discuss the critical role immigrants play in the North Texas economy and called for commonsense...
green card cap
The United States’ immigration system favors family reunification, even in the so‐​called employment‐​based categories. The family members of immigrant workers must use employment‐​based green cards despite the text of the...
Business leaders and immigration policy experts gathered to discuss the critical role that immigrants play in the San Antonio economy recently at a panel hosted by the Texas Business Immigration Coalition, San Antonio Area...
immigration quiz
Like most public policy issues, immigration is difficult to understand. The issue has complex effects on American society and the world at large. This difficulty doesn’t prevent most people from forming strong opinions on...
Immigration legislation requires both parties to pass anything! It also requires a signature from President Trump. Recent bipartisan efforts to pass the Farm Workforce Modernization Act in the House have been successful....
Tucker Carlson Norman Adams
However, I do not agree with your recent description of the immigration provisions in the Farm Workforce Modernization Act (HR-5038).



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