
Republicans must come together to stand for policies that strengthen the core of society: The traditional family. Marriage must be protected. Life must be respected. Liberals suggest the policies we embrace are “divisive wedge issues,” but they could not be more wrong. Policies that strengthen the family are essential to a GOP that keeps its core conservative principles.
The House approved the National Security and Job Protection Act this week, which requires President Obama to submit a plan to replace the sequester scheduled to take effect in January 2013:House Republicans have worked...
I know Israel, I thought the office of the President was concerned with the most pressing issues of our day too. How dumb are we for thinking that the President of the United States would take the time to meet with you?...
Update: It has now been confirmed by Libya and U.S. Military officials that the attack was a planned terrorist attack with the anti Muslim film being used as a cover. Even Obama was duped into thinking the...
Photo Credit: The TelegraphPresident Barack Obama engaged in an illegal war against the nation of Libya in 2011. At that time, I wrote about why this war was a violation of the War Powers...
Today, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing to examine the Obama administration’s abuse of power and its effect on our Constitution and economy. At the hearing, I outlined numerous ways that the Obama administration...
First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones of Ambassador Stevens and fellow Americans who lost their lives in Libya. I am outraged by this terrorist attack against our country and committed to...
On this somber anniversary we stand together as Americans to remember the nearly 3,000 lives that were taken on a September morning just 11 years ago. From the brave souls of Flight 93 who gave their lives so that others...
Today, I wrote to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, voicing concerns with the Department of Defense’s (DoD) deficient implementation of on-base voter assistance for military service members and their families, mandated by...
The rush by the Republican Establishment elites to crucify Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin for his ill-conceived words on rape and to withhold funds for his crucial campaign against the liberal Pro-Choice Democrat,...
This summer, the Republican Party of Texas took a bold step forward on the issues of border security and immigration reform by adopting "The Texas Solution." The national Republican Party has now followed suit by...
What we have seen within the last two days in the Middle East is nothing short of an organized, massive uprising against the United States by radical Muslim nations. This anti-American uprising occurring in Egypt, Libya,...
The House of Representatives voted to reauthorize an important national security law Wednesday that allows intelligence officials to more quickly and effectively monitor the communications of foreign terrorists and spies...
Statement by Gov. Perry on the Benghazi Attack:Gov. Rick Perry released the following statement regarding the Benghazi attack that killed the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans:"Ambassador Chris Stevens and...
This week, along with Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), I introduced H.R. 6364, the Frank Buckles WWI Memorial Act. This bipartisan bill would (1) establish a commission to...
President Obama has disgraced the office of the Presidency. His sympathetic reaction to the Muslims attacking our embassies and also his non-action to immediately secure and protect the embassies and demand justice are a...
According to Yahoo News, a group of former Navy SEALs, members of Delta Force, the Marines, Army Special Forces and the intelligence community have joined together and are standing up, demanding that America’s political...
Today is September 11th, eleven years after the cowardly attack on our citizens. I will teach my children that on that day, while many focused on the panic and the retreat of our citizens in the streets, our first battles...
Siraj Wihhaj, AN UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN THE 1993 WTC BOMBING, was invited to deliver the “Juma,” an Islamic prayer, at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. This is a man who once remarked, “It is my duty and our...
Now first off, before I even begin, let me start by saying I am not looking for sympathy because anyone that knows me will tell you that when told, “I am so sorry for your injuries”, my reply is always the same; It was worth...
Read the Entire 2012 Republican Party Platform Here.I suppose while the moderates were trying to sneak in rule changes, they allowed the new platform to be made that is VERY conservative, especially on social issues. Also,...



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