
Today, I released the following statement regarding his intention to vote against the motion to proceed to the Defense Authorization Bill:Though this bill typically enjoys bipartisan support, this year Senate Democrats have...
You have enemies? Good. That means youve stood up for something, sometime in your life. ~Winston ChurchillOn the day of the worst attack on American soil 911 we are confronted by the reality that evil does exist. Three...
I issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s address to the nation on the war in Iraq:
Every day, over 100 soldiers come through Dallas Fort-Worth International Airport on their way home from service in Afghanistan and Iraq for a two week break with their families. One flight arrives daily at DFW and one also...
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”                -Thomas JeffersonTreason as defined in the dictionary: the offense of attempting by overt acts
Joined by Senators John McCain (R-AZ), James Risch (R-ID), Pat Roberts (R-KS), and James Inhofe (R-OK), I spearheaded a letter to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates Friday, urging him to submit the long overdue 2010 Report on...
The following came in from the Republican Party of Texas:The Texas Democratic Party limps into its convention today, weighed down by the arrest and indictment of one Texas Democrat, another reporting to prison, their...
Friday, I sent a letter to U.S. Air Force Secretary Michael B. Donley listing serious concerns with alarming reports indicating 17 members of the Afghan military have gone AWOL over the course of two years from Lackland Air...
Fellow Americans,I was born in an Army Air Force base hospital in Bainbridge Georgia, December 21, 1944. Six weeks later, my dad Army A F Staff Sarg. "Maurice Griffin Adams" was granted a short leave, and told he would be...
The following video was sent in from a TexasGOPVote reader.I thought this video from the Family Research Counsel was interesting, as it reveals the Obama/Pelosi/Levin Disrespect for the U.S. Military.
With the statutory deadline for states to mail military ballots under the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE Act) arriving Saturday, I issued another letter today to Attorney General Eric Holder expressing...
In a September 4th Newsweek article, entitled "What America Has Lost: It’s clear we overreacted t
Congratulations to the seven Special Forces soldiers from a North Carolina-based unit (Fort Bragg), who were awarded Silver Stars (the Army's third highest valor medal) for actions in Afghanistan. The medals are being...
I want to first say that one of my campaign strategies is to not start a negative campaign and focus on what an opponent did or did not do, but when a fellow servicemen is put in the cross of fire, I must apologize and say...
I sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder expressing serious concerns about recent reports on the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) reluctance to enforce the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE Act),...
In an announcement on the Huffington Post Congressmen Ron Paul (R-TX) and Barney Frank (D-MA) called on congress to make drastic cuts in Military Spending.
Following is the letter I wrote to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano demanding answers on the events surrounding 17 members of the Afghan military who have gone AWOL from Lackland Air Force Base...
Reported by the Republican Party of Texas:With the Texas GI Forum beginning in Austin today, a growing number of military veterans across Texas are blasting Democratic gubernatorial nominee Bill White for his longstanding...
The following came in from The Republican Party of Texas:Today, the Friday before Texans remember America's fallen heroes on Memorial Day, the Bill White campaign attempted to defend his past statements on military voting...
Of course, there were a lot of political primaries on Tuesday. While I’d like to go into greater detail about my sorrow at the demise of that great stalwart of principle, Arlen Specter :) , I’ll just discuss a couple of...



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