United States

This article from the Canada Free Press clearly articulates my innermost feelings about what happened to America on November 6, 2012.An ignorant, brainwashed, selfish, electorate who believed the lies, smears and racial...
Texas Senator Elect Ted Cruz has taken the nation by storm. Ted Cruz has proven that you can be a non-compromising super conservative and still be elected in America. Cruz has proven that grassroots campaigns with no...
Now before all you noise makers on the extreme right get your knickers in a wad, this is not a story about amnesty. But it is a story about fixing a problem that should have been fixed in the last decade. It is also a story...
Recently I wrote an article titled, "The Road to the White House and Control of the Senate Drives Through Ohio".  As we come down to the wire, this race is neck and neck. Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel is...
Although our nation’s economic growth is far too slow and our unemployment rate is far too high, President Obama believes we should continue the same failed policies and raise taxes on American families and small businesses...
Nearly two years after U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by a gang of Mexican thugs in the desert night of southeastern Arizona, the federal government has finally secured a conviction.
Why is it that President Barack Obama is so reluctant to use the "T" word? When the Fort Hood shooting took place with a radicalized Muslim extremist screaming "Allahu Akbar" and we soon found out Major Hasan had ties to...
As the early vote begins in Texas, it is already underway in many states across America. Now is the time for us not to just get out the vote enough to win, but to bring all of our votes to the polls to send a clear message...
There is no question that the lack of proper border security is a threat to our national security and to our national sovereignty. We must secure the border for a great many reasons. Not the least of which is to stop the...
Today’s weak jobs report serves as a reminder that far too many Americans are still looking for work or have stopped trying in the Obama economy. Chronic unemployment plagues our nation because the Administration continually...
Just exactly what happened in Benghazi, Libya, in a terror attack that left four Americans dead, is the subject of heated national discussion—especially now that elections are complete. One critical concern is who issued a...
Today I issued the following statement after Senate Republicans elected me to serve as Whip for the 113th Congress:I’m honored to have been chosen by my colleagues to help lead our caucus during such a critical time for this...
As for all of the candidates on this years ballot, this election cycle has been a very long, frustrating, rewarding and exhausting road.  An extended primary thanks to some federal judges and the Democrats, a July runoff...
Recently I was driving down the freeway in Houston, Texas and I noticed a small business alongside the freeway that was making a BIG statement! Flying over the business was a giant American flag, which is common to see along...
For a little over two months now, TexasGOPVote.com has been reporting about the Delphi Salaried Retirees Pensions that were stolen by the Obama Administration as a payback to the unions in order to force the GM Bankruptcy to...
Earlier this year, the Democrats and the liberal media created a mythological Republican war against women when George Stephanopoulos of ABC News asked Governor Mitt Romney in one of the primary presidential debates about...
As we sit down to watch the third and final Presidential Debate between President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney one thing is certain - President Obamas foreign policy failure in Benghazi shows he has lost the...
This article originally appeared on ConstructionCitizen.com.Just last week, construction executive Stan Marek noted on Construction Citizen, “The labor situation in Houston is heading into the biggest crisis we...
The recent job report shows all the weakness of the Obama administration, a lot of style but very little substance behind the policy. On the surface, 7.8% unemployment rate and the monthly drop of .3% looks impressive since...
This morning, two US Border Patrol Agents station in Naco, AZ at the Brian Terry Border Patrol Station were shot.  One of the agents was killed and a second was injured. I spoke this morning with Michelle Terry-Balogh,...



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