
We understand that compromise is essential in governing. But on the issue of life, there is no middle ground. You are either in favor of the dismemberment of innocent children or you are against it. Pro-life activists can always look to TexasGOPVote as a resource and ally in the fight to protect innocent life.
Ronald Bailey is the Science Editor of Reason Magazine, a print and on line journal dedicated to “free minds and free markets.” The focus tends to be Libertarian, secular, and technological. Most of the time I agree with the...
I am the future!Well, not necessarily me personally, but people like me certainly are.The future of the Republican Party lies in the hands of my generation and of my ethnicity.
Adryana Boyne gave a speech to the delegation at the RPT 2010 Convention.Ivan Andarza, an attorney from Austin and an official spokesperson for the RPT, quoted:Without a doubt, one of the highlights of the 2010 Texas...
The election for Republican Party of Texas Chairman was held in Saturday's General Session. The candidates were current RPT Chairman Cathie Adams, Tom Mechler, and Steve Munisteri.Vice Chairman Robin Armstrong came out to...
Texas Alliance For Life isnt just about being pro-life, but also educating others on the issue and really explaining the underlining issues behind abortion.
Texas State Senator Dan Patrick works hard to pass the Sonogram Bill, which will help thwart the occurrence of 80,000 abortions per year in Texas. He also discusses his work to cut business taxes.
An interview with Dr. Richard Land, President of the Southern Baptist Conventions Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. He wants a repeal of "Obamacare" and to make abortion illegal as soon as possible.
I try to focus on the wisdom of the policy and not the deceitfulness or ignorance of the politician. Speculations of mine are just that: speculations. And, they serve little purpose but to distract from a consideration of...
Representative Bart Stupak has announced that he is retiring from his position and will not be running for reelection in the November 2010 midterm elections. Sources familiar with Stupak's thinking describe him as burned out...
Texas House District 51's Democratic Representative, Eddie Rodriguez, was arrested and charged with DWI last Thursday, March 18th. Rodriguez spent the night in the Travis County jail and was released Friday morning on a...
The Declaration Of Independence asserted inherent creator-endowed "unalienable" rights. "Unalienable" means that they not only cannot be taken away by other parties including government, they cannot even be voluntarily...
Why is a family doctor blogging on a political website? Besides the fact that I have an opinion about everything (and claim to not only have invented the right wing conspiracy, but to be the hot air under the right wing),...
My first ever political convention started by attending two great dinners in one night with many inspirational and powerful speakers. Could there be any better way to start off what looks to be an awesome weekend with...
“Texas is not strong unless Republicans lead the way,” roared Senator Dan Patrick through a banquet hall at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas.
Texas Alliance For Life held a Life and Liberty Banquet June 10th during the RPT 2010 Convention.Texas Alliance For Life is a statewide, nonprofit organization of people dedicated to protecting innocent human life - from...
Comal County Republican Chairman Larry Nuckols discusses the upcoming RPT 2010 Election and his heavy work and involvement in the pro-life movement.
Dr. Beverly Nuckols from Texas Alliance For Life answers a couple questions about her background and explains her involvement in the Pro-Life movement.
This past year has been more than interesting for the Republican Party in a variety of ways. A major reoccurring theme among conservatives has been that of party identity.
This week is early voting for the Texas Republican runoffs. There will be many local, county, and district elections and all of them are important. A few candidates in the Texas Republican runoffs are seeking a position in...
There is a legal case that has been filed by Attorneys General of so far 15 states. Obviously, the law defies the constitutional rights of both the states and their citizens, in its Medicaid mandates to states and IRS...



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