
We understand that compromise is essential in governing. But on the issue of life, there is no middle ground. You are either in favor of the dismemberment of innocent children or you are against it. Pro-life activists can always look to TexasGOPVote as a resource and ally in the fight to protect innocent life.
Please permit me to share a short personal observation. Saturday, while driving on the Gulf Freeway South of Houston, I noticed flags flying at half-mast. That wasn’t terribly unusual in today’s endless and instantaneous...
An exchange between Planned Parenthood Alisa Snow and Representative Jim Boyd: "So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a...
Bill and I travelled to Washington, DC for two main reasons, to visit our son and grandkids and to participate in the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade March for Life. In fact, we planned on attending the March for Life since...
Forty years after the Supreme Court ruled on Roe vs. Wade, activists on both sides of the debate are still fighting for their cause. For those who are staunchly pro-life, activism includes participating in marches,...
I find it very hard to understand why there is so much emphasis on ‘coming together’. The truth is that the LEFT will never understand that we want God in our lives and see Christ as our Lord and Savior and that we love...
Why would anyone who is against the killing of innocent unborn babies ever consider voting for Joe Straus? Joe Straus is not pro life. He voted against pro life issues before he became Speaker and enjoyed support from...
The election is one week away. The media is focused on how Hurricane Sandy is going to affect politics, but I cannot get the deeds of two men, named Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, out of my mind.If you have not heard the...
As our “mother of all elections” nears, it is our right—no, it is our duty, to do all we can to get this bunch of Chicago-mob-educated crooks moved from Washington, D.C. to Leavenworth, Kansas.Many ask, “What can I...
The rush by the Republican Establishment elites to crucify Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin for his ill-conceived words on rape and to withhold funds for his crucial campaign against the liberal Pro-Choice Democrat,...
The U.S Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that Texas CAN enforce a new law that cuts off taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, an abortion provider. This has been a roller coaster ride for Texas. Soon...
(Writer's note-This deals with the trial of Kermit Gosnell, who is being tried for murder of seven babies born outside the mother’s womb and a mother during an abortion procedure.)The following was a Grand Jury description...
I introduced legislation yesterday that will ensure taxpayer dollars aren’t funding abortion advocacy in public schools. H.R. 1122, the Protecting Life in Funding Education (PRO-LIFE) Act restricts funding to school...
I want to welcome and thank all Texans who have made the trip to Washington to make their voices heard. We’ve taken important steps in recent years to defend life, including passage of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and...
MARCH FOR LIFE January 22, 2009Abortion is not a Health Care issue, abortion is the deliberate act of killing an unborn baby. But the LEFT describes abortion as a Right and a Need that every woman deserves. There are...
14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. [Isaiah 7:14, NKJV]Most of you are familiar with this passage from Isaiah, written...
When does abortion drift into infanticide and at what point does society have a right to say no to abortions? The other day, I thought of an exercise for readers to participate in. This is a theoretical exercise but the...
An unprecedented event occurred this week. “America’s Pastor”, the Reverend Billy Graham, came out in advertisements all over this great Nation encouraging people of all walks to vote for Biblical values, clearly supporting...
I hope all the registered voters will cast their ballots this year - this is the most important election ever if freedom is to survive.As time runs out before the election, pass this and as much as you can around…especially...
Here is a thought. Suppose I was to say a political party candidate has imitated the Communist Chinese abortion policy by allowing sex selection abortions? Would you say that party candidate is an extremist? What if I was...
AUSTIN— Lt. Governor Dewhurst today released the following statement on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to vacate a preliminary injunction that would allow Planned Parenthood to continue receiving funding under...



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