
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
The lack of government transparency from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in dealing with the coronavirus global public health emergency is contributing to the international community’s inability to resolve the crisis.
Rush Limbaugh recently explained why Medicare For All is bad for us. Share this with your uninformed friends.
GOP voter enthusiasm is on the rise. Over the past few weeks, Republicans have been getting better news. President Trump's approval ratings are on the rise as the Democrat's impeachment slog continued.
I issued the following statements regarding House passage of H.J.Res. 79, Removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment aka the “Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act;” the release of President Trump’s...
The governor is hitting the campaign trail for at least 10 House incumbents and candidates whom he has endorsed.
union organizing
Associated Builders and Contractors Vice President of Legislative and Political Affairs Kristen Swearingen issued the following statement on the passage of the deceptively named Protecting the Right to Organize Act, H.R....
 Women are pioneers and trailblazers across a multitude of industries and fields, and it is past time we honor these contributions. Establishing this museum will not only honor the past but also inspire the next generation...
Researchers from Texas A&M say they’ve found a cheap, accurate method for cops to discern whether seized material is illegal.
Why do I call what’s happening to Smollett, “Trump Justice”? Because it’s long overdue.
Border Patrol officials announced this week that Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings will serve as the chief patrol agent of the nation’s busiest sector. Hastings is completing a tour as chief of the Law Enforcement Operations...
The truth of Obama’s silence on the 2020 primary is that it’s not just about his obvious wish to stay out of the spotlight, but it also reflects a choreographed strategy. With the race looking more and more likely to grow...
I recently sent a letter to the San Jacinto River Authority expressing my opinion on the seasonal lowering of Lake Conroe.
Texas voters still think that property taxes are too high and that the state spends too little on public education, according to the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll.
Over the past three years, the President and Congress have worked together to implement policies that place the American worker at center stage. The job market is booming, and incomes are rising, with wages for the lowest...
Billionaire Marxists like “Mini Mike” Bloomberg aren’t used to actually earning things. They usually just make a couple of well-placed phone calls to get what they want.Bloomberg figures, why bother with the process of...
The CDC reported the individual is isolated and is receiving medical care at a designated hospital. San Antonio Ron Nirenberg stressed that the Lackland and San Antonio communities still face only a very low risk from the...
Holder Clinton
Citizens, it is time to refresh ourselves in some recent history regarding our national government. The reason… the sacrosanctity of elements of the Democratic Party about abuse of power and its threads from the completely...
America must lead in artificial intelligence, quantum computing and other technologies that will define the 21st century. I applaud the Administration for recognizing the importance of AI and quantum research and will...
The acquittal of President Trump is a done deal. My take: It was a waste of time. Trump did not deserve to be impeached, although his language was not perfect.
Over a quarter century ago, NAFTA was signed in my hometown of San Antonio and one of the key provisions was establishing the North American Development Bank (NADBank). NADBank’s mission was to push environmental policy in...



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