
An “all of the above” approach to energy issues is what’s needed in a changing world. Oil and gas power the world. That’s reality. So, any change in how our energy demands are met needs to be market-driven and not dictated by Washington bureaucrats. Texas is a major oil and gas producer but we’re also number one in wind energy, for example. That innovation was brought about by free market thinking, not big government intervention.
Instead of punishing U.S. producers, we should embrace an all-the-above approach that invests in new and innovative technologies, including renewables, while continuing support for traditional energy sources.
In the days ahead, forecasters anticipate wide swaths of the state could experience their coldest temperatures of the season, with lows dipping to — or below — freezing.
If the Biden Administration wants to alleviate the pain at the pump, they should turn to our own U.S. oil and natural gas resources for the solution and remove the policy barriers inhibiting domestic production.
This administration should be encouraging American energy production, not giving more leverage to OPEC and Russia.
The United States plans to draw 50 million barrels of oil from its emergency oil reserves in coming months, a widely anticipated step aimed at trying to take the edge off high prices that have been hurting consumers at the...
As American families and businesses approach the 2021-2022 winter season, rising energy prices and potential energy shortages are a universal concern, regardless of political party.
This legislation would help make hydrogen more accessible and cost-effective so businesses and consumers can utilize this reliable energy resource.
Anyone voting in favor of reconciliation is voting against American energy, is voting against the independence that keeps our national security so strong. I urge my colleagues to support the energy industry.
The United States and Germany have unveiled an agreement on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline under which Berlin pledged to respond to any attempt by Russia to use energy as a weapon against Ukraine and other Central and...
I led a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland pressing for answers as to the Department's "pause" on oil and gas leases that was blocked by a federal judge recently. 
I sent a letter to President Biden Tuesday in opposition to a recent executive order that forces the federal government to adopt radical environmental policies that harm our domestic energy producers and bolster our enemies...
In a letter to President Biden, I, along with 30 Republican lawmakers, slam President Biden for his repeated attacks on the American energy industry and American oil and gas jobs.
The Biden Administration should be encouraging, not crippling, American energy production.
It's time for Congress to act, pass those sanctions, and stop this generational catastrophe.
The outages could occur despite better preparations by power plants to operate in cold weather.
A natural gas tax is a tax increase on every single American that will disproportionately harm working families, farmers and ranchers, and our energy producers in the Permian Basin.
Around the world, energy shortages are having a costly impact on working families. Here at home, Americans are experiencing sticker shock at the gas pump.
I recently questioned the U.S. State Department's Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland on the Biden administration's capitulation to Putin on the Russian pipeline Nord Stream 2, which if completed would...
The budget seemingly attacks the fossil fuel industry in the United States and prohibits funding port projects connected to fossil fuels. If the language is implemented, it could halt all current work on several port...
I recently led a letter opposing the Biden Administration’s proposal to list the Lesser Prairie Chicken (LPC) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), a move that will harm the oil & gas industry and production...



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