illegal immigrants

Crime committed by illegal immigrants is an important and contentious public policy issue, but it is notoriously difficult to measure and compare their criminal conviction rates with those of other groups such as legal...
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raided seven poultry plants in August 2019 and detained over 680 people on suspicion that they were illegal immigrant workers. ICE eventually released 300 of them and prosecuted or...
The Remedies for Refusal of Repatriation Act, or “Casey’s Law,” ensures that when countries put Americans at risk by refusing to accept deported criminals, those countries are held accountable.
The federal State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) compensates states and localities for correctional officer salary expenses for incarcerating illegal immigrants.
On Thursday, the House Homeland Security Committee advanced legislation introduced by Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, and myself, as Chairman of the House Committee on...
It’s amazing how much bad policy gets enacted in the name of the children. For example, illegal immigrants and drug felons currently can collect welfare checks in Texas, even though they are theoretically prevented from...

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