Mitt Romney
August 15th, 2011
Mitt Romney made a quick detour into Iowa for the August 11th debate, had an encounter with a heckler or two and then went back on the campaign trail to somewhere else that wasn't Ames. Romney declared corporations are...
August 13th, 2011
With family for dinner, I DID manage to watch the Republican debate in Iowa Thursday night. Debates always tie hands of candidates trying to distinguish themselves. Of those on the stage, I was partial to Herman Cain, who...
August 12th, 2011
American political consultant and pollster Dr. Frank Luntz gives a post Iowa Presidential Debate opinion to Adryana Boyne. He says that he thinks Mitt Romney was very presidential with the best lines, Tim Pawlenty had the...
June 24th, 2011
Should Republicans be paying More Attention to Their Candidates Positions on Global Warming?In recent days and weeks, the climate change alarmists, the doomsayers and far left environmentalists have suffered...
June 16th, 2011
The results of a Rasmussen Reports national survey conducted after Monday's GOP Presidential Candidate debate are shown below:Candidate Percentage Mitt Romney 33% Michele Bachmann 19% Herman Cain 10% Newt Gingrich 9%Ron Paul...
May 17th, 2011
Well to me, it’s better than any other I’ve seen. I’ve watched them all as completely as you can from outside their inner circle (in other words, by public lights. And I don’t, as many even supposed “experts” do, toss out...
March 9th, 2011
There are two predictions that I will make and be certain of. The first is that the 2012 elections will be full of surprises. That one is easy. The second is that the nominee for the GOP will not come from any candidates...
February 21st, 2011
First, both internationally and domestically, there is so much agitation in the world today, that we proceed with trepidation to political business as usual; events could at anytime render it relatively trivial. But in fact...
January 24th, 2011
(Notes: I am not making any endorsements or will I spend time in this piece to dissect weakness of candidates. There is more than enough time to do this. My purpose is to point out that Republicans have a strong list of...
November 2nd, 2010
Will longtime liberal veteran Barney Frank be saying good-bye to his 30-year gig in Washington? A seat once thought to be safe now runs the risk of being overthrown by Republican Sean Bielat.
August 15th, 2011
The results of the August 11, 2011 Ames Straw Poll are as follows:Candidate Percentage Michele Bachmann 28.6% Ron Paul 27.7% Tim Pawlenty 13.6%...
August 13th, 2011
A longtime conservative Christian friend of political organizing in Minnesota, who has authored several books, recently co-authoring three or four on free market health care, inquired of my assessment of Texas Gov. Rick...
July 22nd, 2011
Karl Rove went "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren to discuss the Republican Presidential Primary. He explains that there is going to be a primary before the primary, wherein Mitt Romney is the frontrunner and the rest...
June 17th, 2011
Post updated Monday, June 20th.Most of the presidential wannabes who have thrown their hats in the ring are sadly lacking in what it takes to get elected if they should win the Republican nomination. ‘Establishment...
June 2nd, 2011
It has taken me a few days to get this post off the ground, but as usual, those few days further enlightened the subject. I want to mention several noted conservatives’ dismissive comments about Palin that I find perplexing...
April 23rd, 2011
We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude." - Thomas JeffersonWe have heard so much about the ‘Donald’ that you would think no one else is interested in the president’s ‘job’. Actually...
March 9th, 2011
Of all the imaginable Republican candidates, Mitt Romney is near to last on my personal list. Donald Trump would be worse, for one. Even putting his self-absorption and self-promotion aside, a president with Trump’s hair...
February 11th, 2011
December 6th, 2010
A Different Perspective on the 2012 ElectionIt’s now clear that Democrats suffered huge losses in the House of Representatives and substantial losses in the U. S. Senate as a result of the Midterm elections...
May 21st, 2010
The following was sent in from the Republican Party of Texas:During Wednesday night's event with Mitt Romney in Houston, Gov Rick Perry mentioned a Bill White memo that has been making the rounds this week. In that 2008...