Donald Trump

In July, we received great news that the American economy had grown in the second quarter by 4.1 percent. Those numbers were recently revised, and we learned that it grew at 4.2 percent! On top of our best annual growth rate...
For 56 years, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has been the primary way in which Congress executes its Article 1 constitutional obligation to “provide for the common defense.” In today’s dangerous world we...
ID and tax and border security
With US unemployment at 3.9% and 6.6 million open jobs, this is the first time there are more open jobs than Americans looking for jobs since the Department of Labor Statistics started tracking this data.  Reforming US...
After President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve as an Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court, Congressmen Kevin Brady, Lamar Smith, and Pete Sessions released the following statements.
Time Cover Donald Trump
The illegal immigration issue is now boiling over in the United States of America and especially in states that border Mexico. While no one wants to 'rip' a child from their mother's arms, no one should 'rip' an unborn from...
I am appealing to every business owner in Texas. I am also sending this to Rep. Ted Poe, and Senators Ted Cruz, John Cornyn;Please send a similar email, fax, phone call to your Representative, and to both Senators.
After weeks of uncertainty about the planned US-North Korea summit, US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed a "comprehensive" document.
The Department of Labor issued a report last week that the unemployment rate dropped to 3.8 percent, the lowest it’s been in 18 years. With almost one million jobs created since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law...
A treasonous approach to arguing who should be president is taking place now.  Will the Left ever catch on that they are dividing our country?  Will they ever get the idea that their new approach is working for all the wrong...
President Trump issued a thiny veiled warning to James Comey on Wednesday as he suggested a forthcoming inspector general report will cause new problems for the fired FBI director. The president blasted Comey as he departed...
A grand jury in Texas returned a felony indictment against a man accused of grabbing a MAGA hat from a teen’s head at a San Antonio Whataburger in July.
On Wednesday in Brownsville TX, Federal Judge Andrew Hanen heard arguments on whether or not he should end DACA. Although he has not issued a ruling yet, he could at any time.
10 years ago this August, Russian tanks rolled across the border into the independent nation of Georgia. After 5 days of bloody fighting, with thousands of innocent Georgians displaced from their homes, the conflict ended...
Brett Kavanaugh
President Trump has announced he will nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh is an exceptionally-qualified jurist who will be a fair and impartial arbiter of the law and will not legislate from the...
As the House of Representatives prepares to vote on an immigration bill Wednesday that would secure the border, end the separation of families that crossed the border illegally, and provide a conditional path for Dreamers to...
If you agree with me that Congress needs to do its job and fix our broken immigration system, join me in sending this letter to your senators and representatives. Also send it to every Texas business owner you know, and urge...
Just hours before President Trump’s historic nuclear summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the Trump administration is hinting at the bargaining chips the president may have in his back pocket as he readies for the...
In order to pass legislation to secure the border and protect Dreamers before the November midterm elections, House Speaker Paul Ryan has scheduled a meeting to be held on June 7th with Republican representativ
Pompeo’s vision for Iran is the world’s vision for Iran. And he hinted at regime change.
The majority of Republicans, including President Donald Trump, supp



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