Republican Party of Texas 2010 Convention
Check out the RPT 2010 Convention page for a full coverage look into this year's election! Texas GOP Vote is the only team covering the convention from beginning to end.
The mission of the Republican Party of Texas is to promote a conservative philosophy of government:
1) By promoting conservative principles; and
2) By providing the infrastructure through which those who share our conservative principles can get involved in the political process, run for and be elected to public office, and govern according to our principles when elected.
Every even-numbered year, the Republican Party of Texas holds a statewide convention where elected delegates from across the state meet. Delegates meet as:
- A whole body - To ratify the Party rules, adopt a Party platform, and elect the State Chairman and State Vice Chairman.
- A caucus by state senatorial district - To elect permanent caucus officers, permanent committee members, their State Republican Executive Committee members (“SREC”) a Committeeman and a Committeewoman, and nominate candidates for State Chairman and State Vice Chairman.
Click here to view the 2008 State Republican Platform.
Due to the large size of the RPT state convention, much work is done in temporary committees in the days leading up to the actual convention. At every state convention, there will be five temporary committees: Credentials, Organization, State Nominations, Platform, and Rules. The State Chairman appoints the committee chairmen. The SREC members appoint committee members. Each committee is comprised of the chairman and one member from each senate district. After the convention starts, senate districts will elect their permanent committee members, who will use the temporary committees’ work as a starting point. All committee meetings are open to state convention delegates and alternates, who are encouraged to attend and testify on topics of particular interest to them.
The Republican Party of Texas will be holding its 2010 Convention in Dallas June 11-12. The temporary committees meet before the convention, June 8-10. The Republican Party of Texas 2010 Convention will be held at the Dallas Convention Center. The tentative schedule of events include:
Temporary Committee Meetings
Temporary Committee Meetings
Temporary Committee Meetings
SREC Meeting
Volunteer Training Session (9 am)
Registration (Noon – 7pm)
Trade Show (Noon – 7pm)
Registration (9am – 7pm)
Trade Show (9am – 7pm)
Caucus Chair Training Session (8:30 am)
First General Session (Noon)
Senatorial District Caucuses (4pm)
Republican Party of Texas Banquet (7pm – 9pm)
Permanent Committee Meetings (8pm)
Registration (6:45am – 1pm)
Prayer Rally (7am – 8am)
Trade Show (7am – 4pm)
Senatorial District Caucuses (9am)
Permanent State Nominations Committee Meeting (11am)
Second General Session (Noon)
SREC Meeting (on recess)
***Times are subject to change.
View the frequently asked questions about the RPT convention here.
Reference Materials
TexasGOPVote articles:
Republican Party of Texas 2010 Convention - June 11 & 12; Dallas TX - Texas GOP Vote Wants to Hear From YOU! - TexasGOPVote will be covering the upcoming RPT Convention and wants to know what issues are important to readers! What updates would you like to hear about from the convention? What issues matter the most to you?
Get Ready! Convention is Almost Here! - Find out who will be attending this year's convention! Also, make sure to buy your tickets to the banquets!
Additional articles:
Texas Alliance For Life: Life and Liberty Dinner - Come hear Governor Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst, Railroad Commissioner Victor Carrillo, Texas Senator Dan Patrick, and Texas Rep. Phil King!
Texas Eagle Forum Patriotic Banquet - Come hear Phyllis Schlafly, Founder of Eagle Forum, and David Barton, President of Wallbuilders!