
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
The evangelical leaders’ letter, which was affirmed by approximately 900 signatories from across the country, also urges Congress to pass legislation to grant permanent legal status to other categories of immigrants who are...
Farmers and ranchers in my district have experienced cut water lines, stolen property, broken fences, and other damages as a result of migrants passing through the area.
A group of House Republicans led by Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27) introduced the Dignity Act, an immigration reform bill they say will end illegal immigration, reestablish law and order, provide a solution for...
It would benefit the U.S. economy to adopt a more practical, common-sense immigration policy, especially regarding the 11 million undocumented immigrants already living and working in the U.S., including about 1.6 million in...
A recent Rational Middle podcast debunked the myth that immigration depresses the labor market opportunities of low-skilled native-born Americans.
2022 presents an opportunity for incumbent lawmakers to prove to their constituents that they are interested in and capable of fixing the immigration system in a way that benefit Americans and the US economy ahead of midterm...
Jesus left home – in more ways than one – so that ultimately He could make a home for us, bringing us (regardless of our background) into His household through His death and resurrection.
The US population is aging largely because American fertility rates are decreasing. On the other hand, immigrants contribute to the working age US population and workforce at a significant rate.
Today, America’s labor shortage, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has reached 10.9 million job openings; 712,000 of those jobs are in Texas. Businesses are shutting their doors for good because they can’t find workers...
The current historic labor shortage negatively impacts the economy in a number of ways, including increasing the costs of goods and services. These immigration reforms are good solutions to supply the US economy with the...
AUSTIN, TX — today released a new data analysis highlighting the impact of immigrants to the Texas economy and workforce, and underscoring the urgent need for sensible pro-immigration polici
The rise of ultra‐​progressive ideologies and the decline in patriotic sentiment are two broad cultural trends that worry American conservatives.
This third article of the "How to Fix the Broken Immigration System" series offers adjustments that lawmakers should make to the legal immigration system that will increase economic growth, combat inflation, and prevent...
The Biden administration needs to rapidly reverse this situation, recover the lost visas through legislation, and go even further or the U.S. economy will suffer long run drags on its growth.
It is critical to national security and sovereignty that our federal government has operational control over who and what are coming into our country.
In historical perspective, the percent of criminal individuals apprehended by Border Patrol is low at about 1 percent in 2021.
The construction industry is no stranger to labor shortages, with over 410,000 open jobsin October. As a result of labor shortages, high consumer demand, and COVID-related shutdowns of ports and factories, it has experienced...
The current outdated and inefficient legal immigration system not only hinders the US economy but also encourages illegal immigration.
The rate of new business creation for the foreign born is almost twice that of native-born Americans, and new businesses are one of the primary drivers for job creation.
At this virtual conference experts will discuss the challenges faced by the undocumented immigrant population residing in the U.S. and the alternatives available to policymakers to provide practical solutions that benefit...



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