
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
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Illegal immigration from what Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) refers to as OTMs (Other than Mexican) has grown rapidly in the past ten years. One of the fastest growing numbers is illegal immigrants from India. In...
Norman Adams, founder of Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy, and William Gheen from Americans for Legal Immigration debated the Dream Act on "The KRLD Midday News with Scott Braddock and Mitch Carr." Scott Braddock was...
Tomball State Representative Debbie Riddle literally camped out in Austin to get her bill posted and numbered first.  This is following up on a campaign promise to her constituents.  She posted several bills. For the purpose...
Republican Candidate, Pastor Stephen Broden (TX-30), has been rising every day as one of the main candidates to support in this upcoming election! We need MORE people around the country to support him with donations RIGHT...
Point of View is a two-hour, issues-oriented live talk radio program heard daily nationwide. Kerby Anderson and the Point of View team cover the full spectrum of issues and current events that affect our...
This week thousands of Republican Convention Delegates and Alternates from across Texas will travel to Dallas. The majority will arrive Thursday afternoon or Friday Morning, and return to their homes Saturday night. However...
As a Co-founder of Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy, and a supporter of Republican Party principles, I have been doing everything I can to convince Republicans that we must attract Latino families to vote Republican...
TexasGOPVote blogger and Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy (TXSIP) Co-Founder Norman Adams joined me on Newsradio 1080 KRLD in Dallas/Fort Worth to talk about the latest efforts in Washington to pass immigration reform...
This is a plea to my fellow conservative Republicans! Did you attend a Tea Party prior to the 2010 election?
Today, I addressed the 2011 Inaugural Conference of the Hispanic Leadership Network in Coral Gables, FL. The following are my remarks, as prepared for delivery:Thank you, Jorge Plasencia. I want to thank our co-chairs for...
WHO AM I?My name is Norman E. Adams. I have been a small business owner (an insurance agent) for 45 years. I have been active in the Republican Party for 40+ years. In the last 25 years, due to the abortion...
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas JeffersonSpecial to the Reporter-HeraldDavid and Tiffany HartleyOUTRAGE and shock is what every American should have...
On July 31st, 2010, I participated in the National Immigration Policy Summit and the Stand With Arizona rally hosted by Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce at the Arizona State Capitol Complex in Phoenix. When I was...
Yesterday on ABC's This Week New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was asked if he thought his state of New Jersey should join the lawsuit against Obamacare. Christie's answer was pure common sense. Christie said he...
Fellow Americans,I was born in an Army Air Force base hospital in Bainbridge Georgia, December 21, 1944. Six weeks later, my dad Army A F Staff Sarg. "Maurice Griffin Adams" was granted a short leave, and told he would be...
As Co-founder of Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy, I respond (which can be seen in red) to an e-mail that has been sent around to the masses entitled "Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal" by setting the record straight with...
With Washington focused like a laser lately on health insurance reform, there hasn't been too much attention given to another system that needs reform badly: Our broken immigration system. Some protesters gathered at the...



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