(VIDEO) Eric Holder on the Hot Seat Over Fast & Furious
Attorney General Eric Holder went before the House Judiciary Committee Thursday in a inquiry over the botched Fast and Furious Operation. The hearing was led by Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Issa was interviewed by Sean Hannity, where he explained that Holder is not willing to take responsibility for the gunrunning operation that claimed the life of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Issa stated: "Although [Holder] said he's willing to clean house and start holding people accountable, he started talking about looking at an entire career, not just this one action, as though Brian Terry's life is not grounds for dismissal, as though allowing weapons to get in the hands of the worst of the worst is not grounds for dismissal. He's even back stepping from firing people at the center of this controversy."
View interview with Rep. Issa below:
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