Rep. Tony Gonzales, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Tribe Successful in Push to Return Sacred Artifacts

Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) released the below statement in celebration of an announcement made by the Government of the Netherlands that seven sacred objects will soon be repatriated from the Netherlands to their rightful owner, the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Tribe. The objects in question were taken from the Pueblo by the Dutch nearly 150 years ago in 1882. In support of attempts by the Pueblo to have these artifacts returned by the Dutch government, Congressman Gonzales urged the Department of State to collaborate on repatriation efforts, met with Dutch ambassador Birgitta Tazelaar, and fought for appropriations language to emphasize the importance of returning these important relics to El Paso, Texas.

“Today is a historic and momentous day for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Tribe. After much effort by many stakeholders, myself included, the Netherlands has agreed to return several sacred artifacts back home to the Pueblo where they belong. These sacred objects are of deep cultural significance to Tigua heritage, traditions, ceremonies, and identity,” said Congressman Tony Gonzales. “I want to thank everyone who partnered on making this possible, including Governor Michael Silvas and Lt. Governor Adam Torres for their leadership. I look forward to working with the Pueblo to see to it that these objects finally come home.”



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