Our Founding Fathers wrote the U.S. Constitution to secure our Liberty and preserve Tranquility. The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America reads:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America reads:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The First Amendment mentions:
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of the Press which has been hijacked by the Radical Left as their personal tool against conservatives.
Freedom to Peaceful Assembly which is currently running amuck on college campuses.
In a recent public admission, Mark Zuckerberg disclosed that the Biden/Harris Administration pressured him to censor COVID posts on Facebook, and Twitter before Zuckerberg sold it to Elon Musk. Currently free speech can be found on X (Twitter). We all know that the biden/Harris administration is Socialist which include their supporters whether intentionally or not.
I believe that the conservatives in the Republican Party are keeping Freedom alive. But before we get too jubilant, there are Republicans that are quashing their own. For instance, at the last meeting of the Republican CEC, executive committee meeting in Comal County, it was noted that freedom of speech was curbed by intimidation. Allegedly, the By-Laws were violated and Roberts Rules of Order were not followed. This lead to yelling, screaming and even cursing. Can anything be accomplished with such inappropriate behavior? It is the duty of the Chairman to keep order and follow the By-Laws and to adhere to Roberts Rules of Order. When this doesn’t happen only confusion, chaos and division occur. Republicans should take a deep breath and understand that they are not Democrats, but Republicans. Precinct Chairs elected by their precinct must be allowed to have a civil discourse following a Point of Order. Silencing voices make it difficult to be civil at meetings when people are not of the same mind set. If unity is a goal, then Freedom of Speech is necessary.
The Republican Party of Texas meets biannually, in even-numbered years, in convention where the Delegates decide on rules and principles. The efforts as a unified state party, is necessary to be successful in defeating the Socialists and the loathsome Left.
Freedom of speech begins at the local level, i.e. city government, school boards and the County Republican Party. If these are a broken entity then unity cannot be achieved.
Sadly, this silencing is happening in our communities, Republican meetings, and worse at gatherings of family, friends and neighbors. In some circles there are those who dare not “offend,” and silence themselves. Reasons vary, but include fear of loss of friendships, being called racist and keeping peace among family members.
The Democrats are a power hungry, angry party and is very obvious throughout Texas. In Comal County the Democrat Party has a billboard with their usual misinformation. Fortunately for RED Comal County the billboard’s message cannot be read in 6 seconds by those driving by. My question: Where is the Comal County Republican Party’s billboards?
In the September 1, 2024 Texas Scorecard, News Digest by Brandon Waltens, he wrote that Democrat State Representative Shaw Thierry has joined the Republican Party. Citing reasons that she is “joining the party of family, faith, and freedom.” Thierry voted with the Republicans against gender mutilation for children and dismantling of Title IX. Her statement sums it up. “I have witnessed firsthand how the left stifles thoughtful debate, silences dissent, and demands blind allegiance to an ideology that is anti-family and anti-children. If you question or disagree, they will cancel you. This is why so many former Democrats plan to vote Republican in November.”
Now is the time to grow a spine and be courageous and speak the truth, to stand with those who do and to pray for our nation as it faces a frightening race to the White House.
Freedom to speak your mind is crucial if we are to remain a Free Society devoid of Socialism. Communism is at our heels, if we do not win in November.