Arrington Applauds Passage of National Defense Funding Bill, Including Two of His Amendments
House Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) issued the following statement after passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):
“This year’s NDAA roots out radical ideology in the military – like removing Green New Deal climate footprint restrictions from our weapons systems – and puts America First by bolstering our southern border, supporting our allies, and deterring our adversaries,” said Chairman Arrington. “I am especially proud to have secured two provisions in the NDAA to honor the life of Lubbock native Private Caleb Smither, who died needlessly while on active duty at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. This legislation helps ensure tragedies like the passing of Caleb Smither never happen again while adequately equipping our military to be the most lethal fighting force in the world.”
The NDAA includes two of Chairman Arrington’s provisions, honoring 19-year-old Lubbock native Private Second Class Caleb “Smitty” Smither, who died on active duty at Fort Bragg, North Carolina:
- To direct the Army to report to Congress on the implementation and enforcement of the “Smitty Check” protocol that was developed in response to Caleb Smither’s death, requiring the Army to thoroughly monitor service members following an injury; and
- To require the Department of Defense (DoD) to disclose on medical records whether a service member received care from a DoD doctor or a civilian doctor.
Other provisions also included in the NDAA:
- Affirm DoD support of law enforcement operations along the southwest border and maritime borders.
- Fully supports deployment of National Guard troops to augment Border Patrol activities at the southwest border.
- Authorizes $90 million for construction of a new Command and Control Facility to detect and interdict illegal migrants and narcotics.
- Improve servicemember quality of life to address military recruitment, retention, and readiness.
- Authorizes a 14.5% pay raise for junior enlisted servicemembers and supports a 4.5% pay raise for all other servicemembers.
- Authorizes $176 million for construction of new childcare centers.
- Root out woke ideology from the military.
- Banned critical race theory in the military, gutted DEI at the DoD, and included the Parents Bill of Rights to ensure military parents’ right to review curriculum, meet with teachers, and provide consent before any medical exams or screenings at school.
- Permanently bans DoD from funding transgender medical treatments for children.
- Prohibits new climate change rules that give preference to weapon systems with lower climate impacts or hamper the defense industrial base.
- Deter Chinese Communist Party aggression:
- Authorizes $15.6 billion for the Pacific Deterrence Initiative to enhance U.S. deterrence and defense posture in the Indo-Pacific.
- Prohibits contracting with subsidiaries of any Chinese civil-military companies, sharing of sensitive missile defense information with China, and Chinese nationals from being admitted to nuclear facilities.