Addressing Military Aviation Cancer Rates

As a former fighter pilot, I know first-hand the risks that airmen and women take every time they step into the cockpit. After putting their lives on the line to serve their country, airmen and women deserve assurances that their health will be properly taken care of.

In a recent study, pilots and aircrew were found to have a higher risk of developing cancer or melanoma, which has gone severely unaddressed. Alongside Congressman Jimmy Panetta (CA-19) and Senators Tom Cotton (R-AK) and Mark Kelly (D-AZ), I introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Aviator Cancers Examination Study (ACES) Act to address this issue head-on by advancing research on any correlation between aviation and cancer incidences to properly care for and treat our service members. 

By better understanding the correlation between aviator service and cancer, we can better assist our military and provide more adequate care for our veterans. Read more about the ACES Act in Task and Purpose article by clicking the image above.


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