Mental Health Help, Give Harris County The Tools And We Can Do More
The Harris County mental health system, run in cooperation with the University of Texas Medical Center, is doing a fine job with short-term stays, working closely with Probate Judges Rory Olsen and Christine Butts.
But there is a problem on long-term stays. The State of Texas' closest facility is over 3 hours from Houston. The distance makes it hard for reintegration with families. Also, the facilities are old and set in rural East Texas. It's hard to recruit and retain needed mental health workers and professionals.
"The major problem facing public mental health since the Harris County Psychiatric Center (HCPC) opened, the population of Harris County has increased significantly. But the number of beds available has not increased. HCPC needs to expand to meet the county's needs," said Judge Olsen. From past experience, local is best, so here's a few ideas - the state should build a longer term facility in Harris County, or fund per client and let Harris County do it like they do with the Harris County Psychiatric Center. Simple answers and smart solutions.