Enough with Trump!*
It’s been over 40 days since Ted Cruz ended his presidential bid to the White House and left Donald Trump as the lone survivor of the Republican 2016 presidential primary campaign. In spite of this torch passing, it was the emotional ‘rage ‘of the American people that won the nomination. Trump is the icon of that rage. He rose to the top with more than enough delegates, surpassing the necessary amount by 305 with 1,542 delegates.
Never-the-less Trump has failed to unify the party and his polling numbers continue to fall. Hillary Clinton’s polling numbers have risen since Trump’s ‘Mexican’ comment about an American born federal judge who is handling his Trump University case. Trump’s inability to coherently express Republican principles or stay focused on issues that matter makes it very difficult for him to inspire faith in his ability to win.
There is a growing number of Republicans who will not endorse Trump. (See Texas Tribune article) An even greater threat is a National Convention that can go rogue in July. #ReleasetheDelegates is the latest hashtag on twitter to try and stop Trump from being the nominee. Governor Scott Walker from Wisconsin said that the delegates should, “Vote the way they see fit!” We can hopefully assume that the delegates have the shrewdness it takes to attempt such a plot and the courage to shoulder the consequences that are sure to follow. Trump’s temper tantrums would be earth shuddering and magnified by the MSM.
In spite of Trump’s loose verbal comments, he remains a favorite of many who voted for him in the primaries. Besides rage and revenge, I’m not sure what these voters were thinking, that just because they were incensed with the Republican Party that that alone would crown Trump King for 2016. Not so, as the MSM is now supporting progressive Hillary. Trump is certainly getting his ‘fair’ share of news lately, but negative rather than positive. There are folks that are still fantasizing that Hillary will get her just rewards which should be prison time but I’m telling you, this will not happen, especially since Obama endorsed Hillary to carry out his legacy. So Hillary remains the Democratic nominee that Trump has to beat. While it would seem that this is an easy task, Trump will have to be more ‘presidential’ for this to happen.
We all know that Hillary is a liar and that what she says cannot be trusted. We also know that if it is just one thing that should make anyone turn away from Hillary and vote for Trump is her total lack of concern for the sacredness of life. Benghazi is a strong reminder, that four of our men were left to die, and her commitment to destroying the unborn by supporting PP is totally unacceptable in a decent society. Still Hillary makes a good case that she has the temperament and not Trump to be the next president. As most people work and do not take the time to do research, I’m afraid that Hillary’s and Trump’s own sound bites will leave a negative opinion of Trump.
The latest report of the Federal Election Commission shows a huge gap between Hillary’s war chest of $42,461,785.99 and Trump’s war chest of only $1,289,507.76. In fact, he says that he will go it alone if he has to. In reference to fundraising Trump has consistently bragged that he is self-funding his campaign, but other entries on the report show that Trump is paying himself and his sons for services to the campaign. So is he really self-funding? We are yet to see his income tax returns, so we can decide for ourselves, if he is telling the truth about his ‘wealth’.
Only Trump can change the trajectory of his campaign and firing Corey Lewandowski, his campaign manager, is a start showing the Republican National Committee and donors that he is serious about winning in November. In an effort to unify the party, Trump delivered a teleprompter speech on June 22, under the direction of campaign chairman Paul Manafort and aid from members of the Trump family. The best line of his authored speech was his attack on Hillary. That, “Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person to ever seek the presidency of the United States.” There is a ray of sunshine, but very little since Trump has proven over and over that he cannot stay focused for any length of time and will revert to his 4th grade speeches.
Since Trump’s supporters are a mixed bag of angry Republicans, first time voters, crossover Democrats that never went block walking, made phone calls, spent their own money to travel to his headquarters, they have no idea that monetary contributions are a vital part of a successful campaign and that without unity there cannot be a President Trump. Trump is the only one that can unite the party, if he wants to win.
I have links to the speech Trump gave to the Woodlands Rally in Texas which highlight his 4th grade word usage and his anti-Hillary speech which is a huge contrast. Somehow he must temper his rhetoric against minorities, women and Republicans and continue to talk about the issues without insulting anyone but Hillary.
It could be that it is already too little too late to reprogram Trump’s failing campaign.... so I’m asking that we all pray, as prayer is our only hope!
Fight, Fight, Fight!
Chicano term used for disagreement
Texas Republicans in Congress Not United Behind Trump
Full Speech: Donald Trump Holds HUGE Rally in the Woodlands, TX
Donald Trump Brutal Anti Hillary Clinton Speech in New York (6-22-16)