Arrington Leads Effort to Support Trump’s Energy Agenda
House Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) has introduced the Abundant American Resources Act to require federal land management agencies to conduct an economic valuation of resources in areas that have been withdrawn or protected from exploration and production under the former Biden Administration, equipping President Trump with the tools to return to American energy dominance.
“For four years, the Biden-Harris administration orchestrated a whole-of-government assault on American energy independence, enacting burdensome taxes and regulations against the oil and gas sector at a time of skyrocketing energy demand,” said Chairman Jodey Arrington. “One of the most overreaching actions taken by President Biden was to federalize millions of acres of land, effectively preventing the federal government from extracting oil, gas, and minerals from these areas. I’m proud to introduce the Abundant American Resources Act to shed light on how much revenue and energy production President Biden left on the table and equip President Trump with data that supports his American Energy Dominance Agenda.”
“For years we have failed to fully tap into our own abundant resources, leading to a reliance on our adversaries for the critical minerals our economy demands,” said Rep. Dan Newhouse, former Chairman of the Western Caucus and cosponsor of the legislation. “This legislation is an important step to further identify our resources and begin the process to start developing them as demand continues to rise. I am proud to join Rep. Arrington as we work to return America to energy dominance.”
The Biden-Harris administration withdrew more than 674 million acres from potential production, including:
- Using the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to prevent offshore drilling from 625 million acres of federal waters;
- Illegally cancelled oil and gas leases on 1.6 million acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska;
- Designated eight National Monuments totaling 4.7 million acres using the Antiquities Act;
- Issued a five-year offshore leasing plan that only includes three lease sales over the course of the program.
While the Trump Administration’s week one executive orders reverse or plan to reverse many of these policies, this legislation would uncover the economic value of still remaining locked-up federal lands.
Outside Support:
"The Energy Workforce & Technology Council strongly supports the Abundant American Resources Act, which will provide an updated and accurate assessment of our nation's valuable energy resources. Ensuring transparency and access to reliable data is essential for responsible resource management and long-term energy security. This legislation takes actionable steps toward securing America's energy future, and we look forward to continued collaboration with Rep. Arrington to support domestic energy development and economic growth. Unlocking America's energy potential starts with the facts, and this legislation ensures that we have the right data to power the future." – Tim Tarpley, President, Energy Workforce & Technology Council
“The Abundant American Resources Act is an important step towards American energy security because it would strengthen responsible federal land and resource management. I commend Budget Committee Chairman Arrington and Rep. Newhouse for introducing this legislation, as it would direct the federal government to conduct an updated study of onshore and offshore mineral values tied to federal leases. This legislation would benefit American taxpayers, as revenues from energy development and production opportunities informed by the study would provide revenue for the federal treasury and state coffers. AXPC supports this legislation and its goal of bolstering our economy and energy security.” - Anne Bradbury, CEO, American Exploration & Production Council.
“Energy development on federal lands is critical to strengthening America’s energy advantage, powering our economy, and supporting state and local conservation efforts. We welcome Chairman Arrington’s focus on ensuring a balanced approach to federal land management and support this legislation to better understand the value of our nation’s abundant natural resources.” – API VP of Upstream Policy Holly Hopkins
“Congressman Arrington’s Abundant American Resources Act of 2025 will ensure accurate accounting of America’s vast quantities of natural resources, which is essential to the responsible exploration of federal lands and waters. Consistent and growing exploration is required to sustain the production of oil, natural gas, and rare earth minerals. Identifying the true scope and value of these resources will help better inform policymakers’ decisions on how best to manage domestic energy and mineral production. NOIA appreciates Congressman Arrington’s continued work to ensure federal regulators provide Congress and the American public a transparent and accurate accounting of the nation’s natural resources.” – Erik Milito, President, National Ocean Industries Association
“The Trump Administration has brought new life to federal leasing program and with the great strides made in recent years in everything from drilling techniques to the use of A.I, it is crucial we update the value of what is underneath our feet. We have a feeling we are all in for a pleasant surprise from what we will learn. Equally important however is how the Abundant American Resources Act will show what the real costs to the taxpayers, agencies and conservation efforts are when vast swaths of lands are taken out of production at the stroke of a pen. These are the reasons why we are excited to get behind this legislation.” – Tim Stewart, President, U.S. Oil and Gas Association