Norman Adams
April 6th, 2010
This will take less than thirty seconds to read and was sent to me from Jack Lord, CPA. If you agree, please pass it on.An idea, whose time has come for too long now, is that we have been too complacent about the workings...
March 29th, 2010
The following is a thank you note regarding Lt. Gov. Dewhurst condemning the play entitled "Corpus Christi."
March 26th, 2010
The following was sent to me by a friend of mine, Shirley Spellerberg:This is an actual film made of the surrender ceremony of the Japs to McArthur in Tokyo Bay in September 1945. Actual voice of the General. Never been...
March 25th, 2010
I am a founding trustee of Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse:
March 23rd, 2010
The following message was sent to me by the Harris County Republican Party:In the aftermath of Sunday's vote in the U.S. House, freedom-loving patriots across this nation are mourning the first step in the government...
March 23rd, 2010
Here are my recommendations for the April 13 Republican Party Primary Runoff Election:
March 18th, 2010
Here is another call to action from my friend Shirley Spellerberg:As we mentioned in our action alert two days ago, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is plotting to use a parliamentary procedure to prevent a recorded vote on...
March 16th, 2010
The message regarding the "Slaughter Strategy" was sent in from The Republican Party of Texas:The Democrats will stop at nothing to pass ObamaCare.The American people want sensible health care reform. But they know that...
March 15th, 2010
Here is a note from Texas State Senator Dan Patrick regarding his movie "Heart of Texas."I wanted all of my friends to know that our Christian movie " Heart of Texas" made its national broadcast premier Saturday (March 13th...
March 11th, 2010
Introduction:Judge David Kithil is a former county judge from Marble Falls, Texas. His opposition to HB3200 was originally posted in Marble Falls' local newspaper. Click here for updated news regarding...
March 30th, 2010
There is quite a bit of pessimism among conservatives about the prospects of repealing the monstrosity that is Obamacare. Some are ready to declare this battle lost and work on preventing more catastrophes from President...
March 26th, 2010
Dr. Steven Hotze of Conservative Republicans of Texas has personally been promoting the TxSIP position on Sensible Immigration Policy.Resolutions for the state platform start at the precinct caucuses on the night of the...
March 25th, 2010
I forward to follow what Congressman Lee Terry (NE-2) lists as new govenment offices to come from the Obamacare healthcare bill. Savings.... what savings? Additional costs... wow! We need to begin the effort to replace these...
March 24th, 2010
The following story was sent to me in an e-mail:"After America, There is No Place to Go"
March 23rd, 2010
I was sent the following message from Cathie Adams, Chair of the Republican Party of TexasDear Norman,
March 19th, 2010
Honorable Congresswoman Jackson Lee ([email protected]);I tried to call your office but the phone lines are busy. You are my only hope in the House of Representatives.
March 18th, 2010
The following was sent in from CatholicVote:If you are tempted to think Catholics in America don’t matter, I have some news for you.The past 48 hours of the health care debate has been a pitched battle between Catholic...
March 16th, 2010
Pelosi wants to bring the House version of the health care reform bill up for consideration as soon as this Thursday! The following message was sent into me and contains a list of congress members that are still wavering on...
March 11th, 2010
The following was sent in from Catholic Vote Action:
March 4th, 2010
Following are the resolutions I have proposed for Precinct #0054.Resolution on Pro-Life:BE IT RESOLVED that mandatory ultrasound legislation should be passed and that all provisions of the current platform...